Cardinal Burke has penned an assessment of the apostolic exhortation published in the National Catholic Register.
He states what most of us already know, it is "not magisterial teaching" and certainly not "infallible" though you wouldn't know it from the papolaters out there. The problem is, the secular media and certain priests such as Edward Beck and James Martin make it seem that it is. This is why it is so dangerous to the faith. The Pope must speak and write (or have his minions write) with clarity and precision. Anything less creates a danger to the Faith and to souls. Then there are the clericalist types such as Dwight Longenecker who think that the laity are just "armchair" critics and should just shut-up.
It is important to read all of what Cardinal Burke wrote and to read it slowly and carefully. He is not condemning the the exhortation, but he is certainly not praising it either. His approach is clearly one of a Canonist. It is reasoned and rational. He makes it clear, it is the "opinion" of Francis, it is not infallible, it is not magisterial. Reading between the lines, one can surmise he is disgusted.
Francis "thinks" Jesus is saying something different today than for the last 2000 years. This is ridiculous, but it his opinion and in my opinion, Francis is wrong.
One of the liars and deceivers is Blase Cupich. Severe words to be sure to describe an Archbishop but Cupich is promoting that the exhortation is a "game-changer." So, who's telling the truth, Cupich or Burke? Are we, as simple laymen, expected to suffer confusion from the likes of Cupich or do we use our own God-given intellect to sort through the mess which Francis has created.
The scandal arising from the AE is this; remember what they already told you they would do.
He states what most of us already know, it is "not magisterial teaching" and certainly not "infallible" though you wouldn't know it from the papolaters out there. The problem is, the secular media and certain priests such as Edward Beck and James Martin make it seem that it is. This is why it is so dangerous to the faith. The Pope must speak and write (or have his minions write) with clarity and precision. Anything less creates a danger to the Faith and to souls. Then there are the clericalist types such as Dwight Longenecker who think that the laity are just "armchair" critics and should just shut-up.
It is important to read all of what Cardinal Burke wrote and to read it slowly and carefully. He is not condemning the the exhortation, but he is certainly not praising it either. His approach is clearly one of a Canonist. It is reasoned and rational. He makes it clear, it is the "opinion" of Francis, it is not infallible, it is not magisterial. Reading between the lines, one can surmise he is disgusted.
Francis "thinks" Jesus is saying something different today than for the last 2000 years. This is ridiculous, but it his opinion and in my opinion, Francis is wrong.
One of the liars and deceivers is Blase Cupich. Severe words to be sure to describe an Archbishop but Cupich is promoting that the exhortation is a "game-changer." So, who's telling the truth, Cupich or Burke? Are we, as simple laymen, expected to suffer confusion from the likes of Cupich or do we use our own God-given intellect to sort through the mess which Francis has created.
The scandal arising from the AE is this; remember what they already told you they would do.
"Will this Pope re-write controversial Church doctrines? No. But that isn't how doctrine changes. Doctrine changes when pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge such that particularly doctrinal formulations no longer mediate the saving message of God's transforming love. Doctrine changes when the Church has leaders and teachers who are not afraid to take note of new contexts and emerging insights. It changes when the Church has pastors who do what Francis has been insisting: leave the securities of your chanceries, of your rectories, of your safe places, of your episcopal residences go set aside the small minded rules that often keep you locked up and shielded from the world."