All the new marble and art work and beautification of a what had been a dirty, dilapidated, unworthy and terribly wreckovated Toronto church, means absolutely nothing.
As much effort that was put into this has become worthless. Worthless if the liturgy is not worthy. As worthless as Canon Law and the Instructions from the Church, such as Redemptionis Sacramentum, as when a priest decides on his own what he will follow. His own clericalism, pride and modernist mindset.
"You denied me Communion," said the parishioner, a man known to me for at least a decade. "No," he replied, "I offered and you rejected Communion."
This after the Communicant, who presented himself at the end of the Communion line with his little daughter in tow, knelt and put out his tongue to receive the Lord.
This is clericalism. It is arrogance and a violation of the Law to dismiss the rights of the faithful. But with our current Pope, who cares about the Law? This is the Francis effect in the peripheries. The smelly sheep mean nothing to these men.
The renovation above is but a shell and fraud if this kind of abominable un-priestly behaviour continues.
There were twenty people at the Mass this morning and the father and his little daughter were the youngest. He was denied Communion on the tongue and told it was be "his choice," if he never came back.
This generation of priests have no fruit to show. It is all a facade, just like much of what you see above.
This issue has been addressed previously on this blog, so many times and it keeps coming back. Within the last year, a similar situation happened at St. Pius X Church on Bloor Street, not far from St. Leo's, when another faithful Catholic was harassed over Holy Communion on the tongue and kneeling.
Fathers, is this what it takes to stop this? Do you have to be publicly "outed" to get it through your heads that you cannot do this?
It is not acceptable. It is scandalous and clericalist.
Far be it from me to target every priest with this statement, not all of you to be sure, some of you are friends and acquaintances so please forgive me -- but the rot from the Pocock, Carter and Ambrozic eras has a stench to it of effeminacy, modernism, clericalism and Arianism that is nothing more than a pussification of the priesthood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.It needs to be lanced no matter how putrid the smell.
You will be held accountable for these games and you may even end up in Hell for it.
Catholic people, do not let these clericalists and liturgical fascists manipulate you.
Oh, he'll be calling; you can count on it; and the last memory the little girl will have of this parish is to have this priest tell her father, "I don't care if you here for Mass anymore.
After 50 years of priesthood Father? Surely, you can do better than that.
I thank the Director of Communications, Neil MacCarthy, for the public statement, affirming what the GIRM states. Clearly, the Cardinal and Chancellor, in spite of the many, many problems on their desks, don't need this.
Priests of Toronto, smarten up!
The laity do not need your shenanigans!
With everything else going on, does Cardinal Collins or the Chancellor, Father Camilleri really need to deal with this kind of thing!
As much effort that was put into this has become worthless. Worthless if the liturgy is not worthy. As worthless as Canon Law and the Instructions from the Church, such as Redemptionis Sacramentum, as when a priest decides on his own what he will follow. His own clericalism, pride and modernist mindset.
"You denied me Communion," said the parishioner, a man known to me for at least a decade. "No," he replied, "I offered and you rejected Communion."
This after the Communicant, who presented himself at the end of the Communion line with his little daughter in tow, knelt and put out his tongue to receive the Lord.
This is clericalism. It is arrogance and a violation of the Law to dismiss the rights of the faithful. But with our current Pope, who cares about the Law? This is the Francis effect in the peripheries. The smelly sheep mean nothing to these men.
The renovation above is but a shell and fraud if this kind of abominable un-priestly behaviour continues.
There were twenty people at the Mass this morning and the father and his little daughter were the youngest. He was denied Communion on the tongue and told it was be "his choice," if he never came back.
This generation of priests have no fruit to show. It is all a facade, just like much of what you see above.
This issue has been addressed previously on this blog, so many times and it keeps coming back. Within the last year, a similar situation happened at St. Pius X Church on Bloor Street, not far from St. Leo's, when another faithful Catholic was harassed over Holy Communion on the tongue and kneeling.
Fathers, is this what it takes to stop this? Do you have to be publicly "outed" to get it through your heads that you cannot do this?
It is not acceptable. It is scandalous and clericalist.
Far be it from me to target every priest with this statement, not all of you to be sure, some of you are friends and acquaintances so please forgive me -- but the rot from the Pocock, Carter and Ambrozic eras has a stench to it of effeminacy, modernism, clericalism and Arianism that is nothing more than a pussification of the priesthood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.It needs to be lanced no matter how putrid the smell.
You will be held accountable for these games and you may even end up in Hell for it.
Catholic people, do not let these clericalists and liturgical fascists manipulate you.
Oh, he'll be calling; you can count on it; and the last memory the little girl will have of this parish is to have this priest tell her father, "I don't care if you here for Mass anymore.
After 50 years of priesthood Father? Surely, you can do better than that.
@VoxCantoris@archtoronto The GIRM is clear in its instruction. I'd encourage those concerned to speak to the priest or archdiocese.
I thank the Director of Communications, Neil MacCarthy, for the public statement, affirming what the GIRM states. Clearly, the Cardinal and Chancellor, in spite of the many, many problems on their desks, don't need this.
Priests of Toronto, smarten up!
The laity do not need your shenanigans!
With everything else going on, does Cardinal Collins or the Chancellor, Father Camilleri really need to deal with this kind of thing!
From the General Instruction on the Roman Missal (Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite)
161. If Communion is given only under the species of bread, the Priest raises the host slightly and shows it to each, saying, The Body of Christ. THE COMMUNICANT REPLIES, AMEN, AND RECEIVES THE SACRAMENT [EITHER] ON THE TONGUE,or... As soon as the communicant receives the host, he or she consumes the whole of it.