The great fraud perpetuated on the Catholic faithful with regard to the Pope, any Pope, is the absurd belief that everything they say is from God and is infallible. The First Vatican Council was very specific, infallibility is when a Pope declares on faith and morals and defines it as such. This definition actually limits papal power.
Catholics, particularly since Vatican II and the papal "cults of personality," which we see currently, have adopted that which protestants have accused us of doing, elevating the Pope to godlike status resulting in papolatry.
Father Hunwicke has such a delightful manner of expression, particularly referring to the "madmen and sycophants" at the Vatican.
Catholics, particularly since Vatican II and the papal "cults of personality," which we see currently, have adopted that which protestants have accused us of doing, elevating the Pope to godlike status resulting in papolatry.
Father Hunwicke has such a delightful manner of expression, particularly referring to the "madmen and sycophants" at the Vatican.
In the feverish Roman atmosphere of 1870, as the hypersuperueberpapalists at the Council ran around propagating extreme and barmy notions of the papal office, this little bit of nonsense did the rounds: "The three incarnations of the Son of God are: in the womb of our Lady; in the Eucharist; and in the Pope". We appear now in 2016 to have moved on from that, because instead we have Pintos and Farrells and other hypers telling us that whatever Bergoglio utters is the utterance of the Holy Spirit. What has stayed the same is that the hypers in each age appear to have the same disordered passion to see the Roman Pontiff as some sort of incarnation of one of the Persons of the Blessed and Undivided Trinity. Seems to me close to blasphemy and idolatry. Did I say 'close'?
Now, who might be amongst those "madmen and sycophants."