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That morning in Santiago de Compostela would not remain indifferent to the clergy and the faithful of the Galician capital. The rain could be glimpsed behind the windows of the episcopal palace would not be able to clean the grave offense that deliberately Bishop would practice against their own Church.
At late afternoon, in one of the most spectacular and most visited cathedrals in the world, six men were to be ordained priests for eternity by Archbishop Julian Barrio.
The rule is not new, and Archbishop Barrio not know, but chose to ignore the doctrine so often exposed and as often collected by the tradition of the Church, and ordained priests, priests of the Catholic Church, two people they had expressed publicly as gay, and also had been presented to the membership as a couple.
Not only knew Don Julian, but one of his assistants had been a few days before having dinner at home ordination of the artist couple. The management of these two priests, whose identity we will not make public for obvious reasons, caused a huge upset between compostelano clergy, who can not understand how their archbishop "imposes heavy burdens on others," he dodges.
The Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Julián Barrio, on a tightrope.
The issue, well known by the curia, has already reached the ears of the Congregation for the Clergy Vatican, which is studying the matter, and could lead to Barrio his early resignation of Compostela Archdiocese, as it happens, by a similar, his partner in the episcopate Manuel Urena section of the archbishopric of Zaragoza after a scandal with a deacon matter.
It is not the first scandal in which Archbishop Barrio is involved. InfoVaticana two years ago revealed the existence of several books in which the electrician author of Codex Calixtinus stolen recounted sexual encounters with members of the Cabildo seminarians and pilgrims.
Doctrine of several popes
This episode, which has been ignored by church authorities Galician, is particularly serious in the light of recently published by Francisco document, recalling that "homosexual persons can not be admitted to holy orders"
In particular has been the Congregation for the Clergy, expressly aprobacioón Francisco, which has published the document The Gift of the priestly vocation - Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis, on the formation of priests (L ea-here-el-Don- de-la-vocation-priestly ).
"It would be gravely imprudent to admit the sacrament of Holy Orders to a seminarian who had not matured a serene and free, faithful affection in celibate chastity, through the exercise of human and priestly virtues, understood as openness to the action of grace and not only as an effort of the will, "he stated in the document.