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Bergoglio lashes out irrationally calling faithful Catholics "malevolent"


Surely, the curia expected this. The annual dressing down, insulting berating by the Bishop of Rome, Jorge Bergoglio. We don't need to rehash the scurrilous and degrading diatribe by Bergoglio previously. What makes today's annual insult more interesting is that he intends it for the whole Church, not just the Curia.

I imagine that I fit under "Malevolent Resistance," at least in what he must think is "malevolent." Perhaps this Alinskyite should take a look in the mirror to come up with a good understanding of what "malevolent" looks like. 

Deacon Nick Donnelly reports:

Good Resistance - According to Pope Francis there is resistance that arises from good will and sincere dialogue.  
Hidden Resistance - Pope Francis uses the word "nascoste" to describe this type of resistance, which has the meaning of covert, underhand and stealthy. He says this resistance arises from petrified or frightened hearts that speak empty words in the spirit of the  "Gattopardismo" (A reference to a character in an Italian novel and film) who verbally says he is ready to change, but wants everything to remain as before. (The Vatican translates "Gattopardismo" as 'spiritual window dressing'). "Gatopardismo or lampedusiano" is an Italian political term that has its origin in the novel El gatopardo, by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa (1896-1957). It refers to a political approach of  "changing something so that nothing changes".  
Malevolent Resistance [resistenze malevole] - Pope Francis told the Roman Curia that malevolent resistance came from distorted minds which occurs when the devil inspires "cattive" intentions, bad or wicked intentions [che germogliano in menti distorte e si presentano quando il demonio ispira intenzioni cattive]. He said that such malevolent resistance often appears "under the guise of lambs". This last type of resistance hides behind words of self-justification, and accusations, taking refuge in traditions, in appearances, in formalities, in what is known, or wanting to make everything personal without distinguishing between the act, the actor and the action.

There is good news in all of this. God will write straight with the crooked lines of this malefactor on the Chair of Peter. The days of this papacy are numbered, one way or another. History will not judge this man kindly, this insulting, berating, egoist and narcissist who on a daily basis insults simple Catholics doing their best to get to Heaven. 

If you as a father or mother spoke to your children on a daily basis in this way you would be considered to be an abusive parent. A cruel, vindictive and nasty father is this Bergoglio. An egoist who thinks every utterance is from the Holy Spirit. 

A Pope? A spiritual Father? 

His children cry out for bread and all Bergoglio can do is throw stones.

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