![Image result for nativity art](http://i2.wp.com/www.catholichousehold.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/18.-Adoration-of-the-Shepherds-Murillo.jpg?resize=750%2C499)
For all the prayers, comments, readers and friendships developed here between us and amongst us, I thank you. On this Holy Day Christmas and in this Holy Season of Christmastide, may we be blessed by Our Lord and forgiven for our sins against He who Is the Saviour of the World. God bless you.
Jesu, Redemptor Omnium
Jesus, the Ransomer of man,
Who, ere created light began,
Didst from the sovereign Father spring,
His power and glory equalling.
The Father’s Light and Splendor Thou,
Their endless Hope to Thee that bow;
Accept the prayers and praise to-day
That through the world Thy servants pay.
Salvation’s Author, call to mind
How, taking form of humankind,
Born of a Virgin undefiled,
Thou in man’s flesh becam’st a Child.
Thus testifies the present day,
Through every year in long array,
That Thou, salvation’s source alone,
Proceededst from the Father’s throne.
The heavens above, the rolling main
And all that earth’s wide realms contain,
With joyous voice now loudly sing
The glory of their new-born King.
And we who, by Thy precious Blood
From sin redeemed, are marked for God,
On this the day that saw Thy birth,
Sing the new song of ransomed earth.
O Lord, the Virgin-born, to Thee
Eternal praise and glory be,
Whom with the Father we adore
And Holy Ghost forevermore. Amen