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Bergoglio's Maltese Bishops, follow his lead and openly dissent from the Catholic Faith. The proof is here for all to see.

In a stunning report in O'sservatore Romano, the Vatican City State's own newspaper, the Bishops of Malta have declared themselves heretics and have placed themselves outside the Holy Catholic Church. There is simply no other way to look at the situation given what they have said.

Below is the head of the Maltese Bishop's Conference, Charles Scicluna. As the video reveals, he sure likes the limelight. A real rock star is the pathetic curse upon the Church, that is this man.

In a statement that will now sanction not only adultery but the open and ongoing sin of sacrilege, the bishops have said that:

“If a separated or divorced person who is living in a new relationship manages, with an informed and enlightened conscience, to acknowledge and believe that he or she are at peace with God, he or she cannot be precluded from participating in the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist”.

They also state that avoiding sex may be "humanly impossible."

A most interesting statement, no doubt, particularly coming from men who are to be not only celibate, but chaste.

Perhaps some of these Maltese bishops speak from experience, eh?

How about some sodomy and play with the girlie-boy down the lane?  Perhaps some Saturday night pornography followed by a flurry of self-abuse?  Maybe the immoral, but natural thing of bedding down for a night with an actual woman! Pfft, a woman - what would these effeminates know about a woman!

After all, if the Bishops of Malta think that it is "humanly impossible" to avoid sexual sin, then they must be speaking from experience and that includes this pathetic Judas, Scicluna!

Here's the whole lot of them, the whole disgraceful mess of apostates!

John Paul II and Benedict XVI reaffirmed the Church’s perennial teaching that divorced and remarried Catholics cannot receive Communion, except possibly when they endeavour to live “as brother and sister."

The fact that this is happening can be lead straight to the feet of Jorge Bergoglio. There can be no holding back now of the four Cardinals, and more still, who are prepared to challenge this wrong-headed, and faithless, scandalous, malefactor on the Seat of Peter. This is his fault. This is Bergoglio's doing. 

Perhaps, just perhaps, the Maltese bishops have done us a big favour. This is going to blow up and put Bergoglio in the corner where he belongs.  Jorge Bergoglio must be held to account for his error and the heretical and sacrilegious  permission in Amoris Laetitia. He did it. This is his work and it must be denounced.

The Pope must recant and repent. If he dies before doing this, his judgement with Our Lord Jesus Christ will be severe.

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Dr. Edward Peters, the preeminent Canon Lawyer has already commented. He states that this is even worse than the Argentine statement which left room for "orthodoxy." 

1. The Maltese bishops have fallen completely for the canonically and ecclesiologically false view that an individual’s assessment of his or her own readiness to receive holy Communion (see c. 916) controls a minister’s decision to administer the sacrament (see c. 915). In Malta now, anyone who approaches for the sacraments should be recognized as being “at peace with God”. Objective evidence to the contrary is simply no longer relevant. Canon 916 is thus eviscerated, Canon 915 is effectively repudiated.
2. The Maltese bishops do not seem to know what the word “conjugal” means. They think that non-married people can practice “conjugal” virtues and that they can decide about whether to engage in “conjugal” acts. Nonsense and, coming from bishops, inexcusable nonsense at that. Non-married people can have sex, of course, but Catholic pastoral integrity does not hold such sexual acts on par with the physically identical, but truly conjugal, acts as performed by married persons.
3. The Maltese bishops, by extending their document to the sacrament of Reconciliation, have basically instructed their priests not to withhold absolution from divorced-and-remarried Catholics who refuse to repent of their “public and permanent adultery” (CCC 2384) even to the point of abstaining from sexual (nb: sexual not “conjugal”) relations. Incredibly, such a directive raises the specter of green-lighting sacrilegious confessions and the commission of solicitation in confession. No priest should want either on his conscience, let alone both.
4. The Maltese bishops even managed to take swipes at Baptism and Confirmation by opening the door to divorced-and-remarried Catholics serving as godparents contrary to the expectations of Canon 874 § 1, 3º. See CLSA New Comm (2001) 1062-1063.

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