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Has Maltese Bishop Mario Grech threatened priests with suspension who do not go along with sacrilege?

The Italian blog Messa in Latino, is reporting that Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo in Malta has threatened suspension to any priest who defies the edict that Holy Communion must be provided to those in adultery, and presumably other sins or that would be discriminatory, who are at "peace with God."

Image result for Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo

Ci è stato riferito da persone affidabili ed attendili, di cui conosciamo l’identità ma che per ovvi motivi non possiamo rilevare, che in questi recentissimi giorni mons. Mario Grech (vescovo di Gozo, nella foto) di ritorno da Roma ha MINACCIATO i preti della propria diocesi di Malta di “proibire loro la Messa se non supportano le direttive su Amoris Laetitia scritte con il vescovo Sciucluna”. … Quindi: minaccia di sospensione a divinis (o comunque interdetto di celebrare pubblicamente) per i preti maltesi che non daranno la comunione ai divorziati risposati We were told by reliable and trustworthy people, whose identity we know but for obvious reasons we cannot reveal, that in these last few days, Bp. Mario Grech (Bishop of Gozo, in the photo) on his return from Rome THREATENED priest of his diocese in Malta to “prohibit them from saying Mass if they don’t support the directives about Amoris laetitia written with Bishop Scicluna.  … Hence, he threads suspension a divinis (or rather interdict to celebrate publicly) for Maltese priests who do not give Communion to the divorced and remarried.

If this is not true, let Mario come out and deny it!

You can find him on Facebook and Twitter too!

Ask him if it's true. Let's force him to admit it, or deny it!

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