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"He has answered!" L'Osservatore Romano "fake news" piece takes direct aim at Bergoglio

Image result for pope posters romeThe Romans are angry.

Less than a week after a poster appeared in hundreds of location throughout Rome, only to be declared illegal by municipal officials who are on a top level search for the culprit, a spoof of the Vatican's own newspaper has been sent throughout the Vatican.

How sad does this make each and every one of us as Catholics. How said is this writer that day be day it becomes even more necessary to report on the outrageous words and actions of this so-called "Holy Father." Bishop of Rome, to be sure, but a Holy Father he is not. How harsh and rigid and judgemental to write such a thing. How true it is when we are daily assaulted from a man who has become and egoist, a megalomaniac, a dictator, an abusive father, a bully.

He is reaping what he has sown.

Father Bergoglio, repent of your errors in Amoris Laetitia, your heresy. Repent of your insults to faithful Catholics, Repent and save your soul.

Time marches on for you too.

ROME- Barely a week after Rome woke up full of anti- Pope Francis posters, anonymous critics were back at it, sending a fake version of the Vatican’s official newspaper to cardinals and officials via email, claiming that the pontiff had answered five dubia, or questions, posed to him by four conservative cardinals about his document Amoris Laetita.
“He has answered!” reads the cover of the satirical edition of L’Osservatore Romano (LOR), the Vatican’s newspaper, which carries the date of Jan. 17.

Let's go give the declining Crux some hits and see the rest there:

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