Our dad abandoned our mother. He left us to be raised by another. He was a coward for abandoning us and he was selfish. He cares more about his piano and Mozart and his reading and writing than he does about you and me. He walks in a garden and contemplates. We suffer. Some say he was courageous for leaving. What fools these are. There was nothing courageous about it. We were lied to. He lied to us. We thought he loved us. We thought he was the best darn dad we could ever have. But he betrayed us and our mother. Now, our new dad is a bully. He is abusive and vindictive and does not like us very much. He calls us names and insults us. He tells us to believe unproven science, he demands we let people who would destroy us into our house. He does not like us. He does not like our mother much either. He goes through the motions and often sneers at her for the nice clothes and perfume she wears and the way she has decorated the house. He has moved in to the family house and has taken it over. He is an abusive spouse to our mother we are now his abused and neglected children.
Got it?