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Hey Dictator Frank, on the matter of THE LORD's PRAYER, it's His not yours! You have no right to change a blessed thing. In spite of your own mad mind, you are not God!

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New Mass, a new catechism, new sacramental rites, new theology, new Canon Law Code, new Rosary mysteries, new, new, new and now a new Lord's Prayer! Not even Bugnini had the gall to try such a thing, though he did try to eliminate most of the rosary.

Oh, but this Bergoglio, he and his deviant "god of surprises." For him and his minions, this just can't leave anything alone. 

If this Peronist boil on the seat of Peter wants to do anything about translations, let him impose upon the Italians and Germans and others the proper use of the translation for "pro multis" which they refuse to do. If the LORD intended to say "for all" he would have said it. He didn't. He said, "for many" and it is in scripture and that was translated into the vernacular from the Latin, "pro multis." The Latin does not say, "pro omnibus" which would mean, for all!

So now, this man who has made church teaching official that people in adultery are free to receive Holy Communion, a heretical action, to be sure; one for which he must be condemned, now he wants the Lord's Prayer changed because he thinks people are too stupid to understand it. The same thing people have prayed since the beginning of the Church. 

Quite the nerve, quite the gall, this Bergoglio.

The Latin in the Lord's Prayer is quite clear.

"Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo."

"ET NE NOS INDUCAS", translates into English verbatim as "AND DO NOT LEAD US!" 

Bergoglio allegedly recommended that young people study Latin. Quite clearly, this Argentinean country bumpkin masquerading as an educated Jesuit failed his Latin classes.

What about Aramaic, the language of Our Lord?

"And do not pass us through trial" 

Sounds pretty much to me as "lead us not into temptation." 

Here are some old English versions:

 From a 13th century MS in the library of Caius college, Cambridge

Fader oure that art in heve, i-halgeed be thi nome, i-cume thi kinereiche, y-worthe thi wylle also is in hevene so be an erthe, oure iche-dayes-bred 3if us today, and for3if us our gultes, also we for3ifet oure gultare, and ne led ows nowth into fondingge, auth ales ows of harme. So be it.

From a 14th century MS, No. 142 in St. John's college library, Cambridge

Fader oure that art in heuene, halewed be thi name: come thi kyngdom: fulfild be thi wil in heuene as in erthe: oure ech day bred 3ef vs to day, and for3eue vs oure dettes as we for3eueth to oure detoures: and ne led vs nou3 in temptacion, bote deliuere vs of euel. So be it.

From a 15th century MS, Douce 246, Bodleian library

Fader oure that art in heuene, halewed be thy name: thy kyngedom come to thee: thy wille be do in erthe as in heuen: oure eche dayes brede 3eue us to daye: and for3eue us oure dettes as we for3eue to oure dettoures: and lede us no3te into temptacion: bot delyver us from yvel. Amen.

From a English and Latin prymer, Paris 1538

Our father whiche art in heuen, halowed be thy name Let thy kingdome cum unto us. Thy wyll be fulfylled as well in erthe, as it is in heuen. Gyue vs this daye our daylye breade. And forgyue us our trespasses, as we forgyue them that trespas agaynst vs. And lede vs nat in to temtacyon. But delyuer vs from euyll. So be it.

Bergoglio has no right to change the words to The Lord's Prayer.  

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