Don't tell me Pope Francis speaks against abortion, let me see how he praised "Italy's forgotten great" Emma Bonino, the bicycle pump baby-killer. Show me that he will recall the medal to this Dutch Abortion Witch and prove to us that he had not approved it.
You can't because he won't.
Yesterday in Chile, Bergoglio apologised for the crimes that homosexual men -- sodomites in the Catholic priesthood did to boys and the filthy bishops who covered it up. Yet, Bergoglio promoted them in spite of the knowledge as he has done in Italy.
Bergoglio has not acknowledged and he has not extradited pervert Monsignor Capella wanted by the RCMP in Canada for trading in child pornography?
Bergoglio reinstated an Italian priest, removed by Benedict XVI, Don Innozi, who went on and sodomised again.
Bergoglio has appointed Barros, who witnessed sexual assault, by a Bishop in Chile.
Bergoglio brought into his inner circle, Godfried Danneels who protected a pervert bishop who had raped his own nephew, whom Danneels chastised.
Bergoglio has appointed as his Legate to Scranton's celebration, Roger Mahony, who covered up dozens of cases of perverts raping boys and paid out a billion dollars in damages.
These are only some.
Bergoglio is a fraud and so is his apology.
He is a walking scandal. A man who is a liar, who has protected perverts all the time giving the impression that he actually cares about victims. "Life in prion is like a death sentence," and we all know what he thinks about that.
Mercy! Mercy! Mercy!
Mercy for the guilty, no justice for the victim.
Don't tell me what a man says, show me what he does.
It is time for all Catholic to face the facts, a manipulative and destructive regime of malefactors has taken control of Holy Mother Church. They hate God, they hate our Lord Jesus Christ, they are liars and they are doing the work of Satan himself. Bergoglio is the front man, but he is very much a part of it.
You priests and bishops that continue to cover for this boil on the seat of Peter will be held accountable one day for allowing this fraud to continue.
Vatican, January 31, 2015
To the distinguished bishops of the Permanent Committee of the Episcopal Conference of Chile
Dear brothers:
I have received your e-mail of the 23rd of this month. Thank you very much for openly manifesting the disquiet that you have at this time concerning the appointment of Mons. Juan Barros Madrid. I understand what you are saying to me and I am aware that the situation of the Church of Chile is difficult due to all the trials you have had to endure.
I pledge to you, in addition to my fraternal understanding, my closeness as a brother and my prayer.
I remember well the visit that you made in February of last year, and also the various proposals, which seemed to me prudent and constructive.
However, there then arose, at the end of the year, a serious problem. The distinguished nuncio asked Mons. Barros for his resignation and urged him to take a sabbatical period (one year, for example) before taking on another pastoral responsibility as diocesan bishop. And he mentioned to him that the same procedure would be used with the bishops of Talca and Linares, but not to tell them about this. Mons. Barros sent the text of his resignation, adding this remark from the nuncio.
As you can understand, this remark of the distinguished nuncio complicated and blocked any further move in the direction of offering a sabbatical year. I spoke about the matter with Card. Ouellet, and I know that he spoke with the distinguished nuncio.
At this time, following the express indication of the Congregation for Bishops, Mons. Barros is doing a month of Spiritual Exercises in Spain. I do not know if he will pass through Rome afterward, but I will advise Card. Ouellet of this and of the suggestion that you are making.
I thank you once again for your openness and frankness in expressing your views and feelings: this is the only way to work for the Church, the care of which the Lord has entrusted to the bishops.
I ask you to please pray for me, because I need it.
May Jesus bless you and the Holy Virgin watch over you.