For five years now, from the moment he emerged on the loggia, the Vatican media machine continues to spin how "humble" is our Pope Francis. From his house cassock to the Motel St. Martha and his car, to carrying his own bags or kissing the poor or disfigured. It is all a show, all spin, all a fraud. We can find many pictures of other popes doing charitable acts. Papal kindness and charity did not begin with Bergoglio.
Of all the machinations, manipulations and spin, put out by the likes of Spadaro, Rosica, Burke and their ilk in the past, this one takes the cake. His Humbleness has forgotten Our Blessed Lord's words in the Gospel of Matthew found in Chapter 6, beginning at verse 3.
It is particularly galling considering the crisis that the Church is in due to the perversion of its priests and bishops, and let us not forget, its cardinals due to sodomites -- homosexuals who have infiltrated the clergy to an extent where one must only conclude that the majority of them, are faggots. These filthy men have betrayed Christ, they have betrayed you and me. They have used the Church to get close to their potential victims. They are repugnant, filthy monsters and they still, as in the case of James Martin, -- they still push their corrupt, evil, filthy agenda. They are frauds, all of them.
If this humble fraud truly wanted to be "inconspicuous" we would not be reading about it.
![Image result for pope ford focus]()
Of all the machinations, manipulations and spin, put out by the likes of Spadaro, Rosica, Burke and their ilk in the past, this one takes the cake. His Humbleness has forgotten Our Blessed Lord's words in the Gospel of Matthew found in Chapter 6, beginning at verse 3.
TAKE heed that you do not your justice before men, to be seen by them: otherwise you shall not have a reward of your Father who is in heaven. Therefore when thou dost an almsdeed, sound not a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be honoured by men. Amen I say to you, they have received their reward. But when thou dost alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth. That thy alms may be in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret will repay thee.
It is particularly galling considering the crisis that the Church is in due to the perversion of its priests and bishops, and let us not forget, its cardinals due to sodomites -- homosexuals who have infiltrated the clergy to an extent where one must only conclude that the majority of them, are faggots. These filthy men have betrayed Christ, they have betrayed you and me. They have used the Church to get close to their potential victims. They are repugnant, filthy monsters and they still, as in the case of James Martin, -- they still push their corrupt, evil, filthy agenda. They are frauds, all of them.
Pope Francis makes surprise visit to elderly woman in Rome
Demonstrating once again his compassion and pastoral concern for those in need, Pope Francis makes a surprise visit to a sick, bedridden lady in Rome.
Pope Francis this weekend visited an elderly lady, whom he knows, in Rome’s Salario district on the Via Alessandria.
The Pope arrived late on Saturday afternoon aboard his blue Ford Focus to pay a visit to the lady who is bedridden and had repeatedly invited the Holy Father to her home.
He was accompanied by only a few Vatican Gendarmes and several plainclothes Italian police officers, who waited outside as the Pope entered the house.
Pope Francis stayed with the lady for around an hour, and was greeted as he left by a small crowd of local residents who had recognized his blue car.
The Pope greeted the well-wishers, shaking hands and hugging them affectionately. He took a moment to play with a child, as a young woman sought to hold back tears of joy.
A sick man who lives in the same residential complex also made his way outside to receive the Holy Father’s blessing and words of comfort.
After greeting everyone present, Pope Francis blessed them and returned to the Vatican in his inconspicuous Ford Focus.
If this humble fraud truly wanted to be "inconspicuous" we would not be reading about it.
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