The Vatican's war to discredit and denigrate Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has gone into overdrive.
It is as far from Our Lord Jesus Christ as you can get.
Each one of them, Bergoglio, Spadaro, Rosica who brags that the Vatican has "begun a pushback," Paglia, Martin and their lay sycophants Faggioli, Ivereigh - all of them will be held accountable before God for the coverup and the way they have treated Viganò.
The secular and Catholic media have joined in the smear campaign. People such as Cindy Wooten, Sean Michael Winters, and others (name them in the combox and I will add here), have all lost their souls. They are not journalists, they are not looking for the truth. They are sycophants and by their actions, they are equally guilty in the cover-up.
They have turned this away from the truth, away from the victims.
What happened to the truth?
Pope Francis is a monster. He called out the rabid dogs on the aeroplane journey from Ireland. Don't you see it? Bergoglio cards not about you or me. He cares not about the victims. He has protected sodomites from the first of his pontificate. He is evil, a fraud, a filthy child pervert protector. He brought Danneels into his inner circle, promoted an active sodomite, Battista Ricca, kissed the hands of those promoting sodomy, brought back priests who were rapists, and cursed victims of clerical abuse.
How can these men not be beating their backs with whips and wearing hair-shirts over this calamity? These monsters have seized control of the Bride of Christ, they have set up a false religion and a perversion in the place of truth. These are not men of faith.
Where are the rest of the bishops and cardinals who know the truth? Will none who know come out and defend Viganò? Will none tell what they know? Are they all sodomites? Are they all blackmailed?
But as we heard in yesterday's Epistle for the XVth Sunday after Pentecost, "God is not mocked."
All of these will fall, There defence shows that they are actually in panic mode. They know that they have been found out. They will get mean, they will get violent and stop at nothing, but they will make mistakes.
These men are devils, every one of them.
They will not win.
It is as far from Our Lord Jesus Christ as you can get.
Each one of them, Bergoglio, Spadaro, Rosica who brags that the Vatican has "begun a pushback," Paglia, Martin and their lay sycophants Faggioli, Ivereigh - all of them will be held accountable before God for the coverup and the way they have treated Viganò.
The secular and Catholic media have joined in the smear campaign. People such as Cindy Wooten, Sean Michael Winters, and others (name them in the combox and I will add here), have all lost their souls. They are not journalists, they are not looking for the truth. They are sycophants and by their actions, they are equally guilty in the cover-up.
They have turned this away from the truth, away from the victims.
What happened to the truth?
Pope Francis is a monster. He called out the rabid dogs on the aeroplane journey from Ireland. Don't you see it? Bergoglio cards not about you or me. He cares not about the victims. He has protected sodomites from the first of his pontificate. He is evil, a fraud, a filthy child pervert protector. He brought Danneels into his inner circle, promoted an active sodomite, Battista Ricca, kissed the hands of those promoting sodomy, brought back priests who were rapists, and cursed victims of clerical abuse.
How can these men not be beating their backs with whips and wearing hair-shirts over this calamity? These monsters have seized control of the Bride of Christ, they have set up a false religion and a perversion in the place of truth. These are not men of faith.
Where are the rest of the bishops and cardinals who know the truth? Will none who know come out and defend Viganò? Will none tell what they know? Are they all sodomites? Are they all blackmailed?
But as we heard in yesterday's Epistle for the XVth Sunday after Pentecost, "God is not mocked."
All of these will fall, There defence shows that they are actually in panic mode. They know that they have been found out. They will get mean, they will get violent and stop at nothing, but they will make mistakes.
These men are devils, every one of them.
They will not win.