Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts (charged with the interpretation of Canon Law) and his Secretary, Msgr. Luigi Capozzi
How stupid does the Vatican think we are? The contempt for which they hold the laity knows no bounds. The people of God are treated like ignorant sheep who are on a need to know basis and they need to know nothing.
Silence the sheep.
Spare us the lame and convenient Bergoglian Who Am I to judge narrative. Lest we forget that our weekly parish collection basket helps to pay their rent, their meals, their scarlet birettas, their croziers, their episcopal rings, their cars, their luxury apartments and their parties.
Speaking of parties and luxury apartments, despite the Vatican’s best efforts to muzzle the Vatican Gendarmerie, Italian media and the Curia, the infamous Msgr. Luigi “Cocaine” Capozzi, Secretary to the powerful Cardinal Francesco “Positive Realities of Homosexuals”
Msgr. Luigi Capozzi was arrested for hosting a raucous drug fueled homosexual orgy.