"To search for that which the Lord asks of His Church, we must lend our ears to the beat of our time and perceive the 'scent' of the people today."Jorge Bergoglio, Bishop of Rome
Solemn nonsense, if you ask me; but who am I to judge?
Dangerous times, friend. Very dangerous. He talks of changing "epochs" and the "beat of the times." Even to the point of calling on the Synod to be another Pentecost. Yes, another new springtime, how's that working out for us, eh?
In his homily today, the Bishop of Rome, Jorge Bergoglio, referred to the synod being the "dream of God" and that we can "frustrate" it if we "don't let ourselves be guided by the Holy Spirit."
On Friday, in his usual non-magisterial musings at Mass, he said referred to "man-made commandments" and those who "buy their salvation" by following "man-made rules and regulations."
Wake up people. The snake-oil that Kasper and Tom Rosica are trying to sell is coming from the highest office of the Church. They are going to force this on the Church. If they can't change the doctrine directly, they will change it through pastoral stealth.
Will they succeed?
My prediction?
The bishops from Africa and Asia and the faithful bishops of Europe and the Americas will stop them. They will be outed, all of them. The doctrine cannot change. When Jorge Bergoglio, Bishop of Rome realizes that the jig is up, he will retire back to Argentina.
Some day, the truth will come out, the truth about our dear Papa Ratzinger's decision and the truth about what really happened at that fifth ballot.
I didn't want to vomit for nothing.
The rest is all solemn nonsense, but who am I to judge, eh?