In the event you are wondering why you can't go to Mass today, ponder this picture.
I don't believe that God sent us the China-Wuhan Virus, CWV19 as a punishment directly but He permitted the Evil One to do it. This is Old Testament stuff. We sin, we suffer the consequences. Abortion, greed, pornography, murder, modernism and the new paganism. It came from a godless, vile and despicable regime that has subjugated and corrupted its people. It may certainly have been invented in a laboratory as a form of germ-warfare. It may have come from a bat to a mammal to a human in a filthy wet market. It may have been the first going into the second. Regardless, it was the work of Satan who inspired evil men to the point of eating bats and slaughtering animals we should never eat in unhealthy conditions that should never be tolerated. It came from sin and greed and paganism.
The man in white above is a monster. What he did in that photo was to stick his middle finger at the Lord God of Heaven and Earth. No, God did not send this, but God has revoked his divine protection.
Now there is no public Holy Week in Italy, Will it happen here in Toronto? In Montreal? New York? Lincoln? It is the rotten Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama along with their Canadian counterparts and their corporate masters that off-shored our manufacturing to the disgusting atheist regime of China including necessary pharmaceuticals. It is your fault because you want cheap plastic and electronic garbage you don't need. You want cheap stuff and your neighbour is unemployed. What will you do when it comes to you. I am no socialist, but I am a patriot and a nationalist and Donald John Trump gets it. Bergoglio does not.
Lay the blame where it belongs and most of it on the Bergoglian pagan and his hirelings and the globalist cabal. Let this be the end of all of them and it.
Let China be held accountable!
Let China be held accountable!
Now, you have no Mass, what do you do?
The Mass does not need you. The Holy Sacrifice is confected by the priest and only needs to be consumed by him for validity. You and I are secondary.
If you have the Mass, make a spiritual communion. don't endanger yourself or especially, the priest. Do you know what happens when he touches that palm of your hand after you had your hands on that filthy door handle or pew in front of you. When he pours water over his fingers into the ciborium and then to the chalice to consume it he just swallowed all of your germs. Communion in the hand is not sanitary to anyone, especially the priest.
Pray the Office for today, old or new. There is a link above to the traditional.
Pray the Mass, the traditional is at that same link, the new you can find.
Pray the rosary if you can't do the other, or do it anyway.
Enjoy your day.
Pray the Office for today, old or new. There is a link above to the traditional.
Pray the Mass, the traditional is at that same link, the new you can find.
Pray the rosary if you can't do the other, or do it anyway.
Enjoy your day.