There must be no let up in the next year of opposition to the sodomite mafia operating within the Catholic Church. Make no mistake about it; Cardinal Kasper, Archbishop Forte, Thomas Rosica, CSB, and the rest of their ilk will not cease in trying to undermine Catholic doctrine and faith. Those who undermined the true problems of the family at the Synod from Hell were initially trying to push Holy Communion for the adulterous, those divorced and remarried without a decree of nullity. They played their filthy hands -- it was also about sodomy and it was about sacrilege.
The Pope himself must defend the truth against these that do the work of the evil one, whom he speaks about frequently.
Toronto Catholic Witness has provided us with the clarity of Cardinal Muller in the Polish press and that of the Croatian Bishops, something totally lacking from most or our Shepherds in Canada.
Here, courtesy of Rorate Caeli Blog is a column by Juan Manuel de Prada of Spain:
The Pope himself must defend the truth against these that do the work of the evil one, whom he speaks about frequently.
Toronto Catholic Witness has provided us with the clarity of Cardinal Muller in the Polish press and that of the Croatian Bishops, something totally lacking from most or our Shepherds in Canada.
Here, courtesy of Rorate Caeli Blog is a column by Juan Manuel de Prada of Spain:
Juan Manuel de Prada
Considering that all persons, as God's creatures, have valuable gifts and qualities, what is the reason for this special mention of homosexuals?
It was asked of Catholics that we make a mess [lío], but at the moment all that they got was getting us caught up in the mess; and some joker could even add (and he would not be wrong) that they have made la picha un lío ["a big mess"]. In the relatio of the synod on the family, among other great pearls, there are sophistries and nonsense of this level: "Homosexual persons have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community." In order to uncover the nonsensical and at the same time sophistical nature of this affirmation, it is enough to replace "homosexual" with "fat", "black", "blond", "dedicated to the cultivation of mushrooms," or "with gastric ulcer"; any title or expression, that is, that complements the noun "persons" is good enough, from which it follows that any person can have (to give as well as to receive!) gifts and qualities that are very useful for the Christian community; and in particular for its bishops, who in the past had the eyesight of eagles (as its etymology implies), but who now seem to be as blind as moles, or who are maybe sending the pathetic winks of an old harlot in the direction of political correctness. This, in the language of Revelation, is called fornication with the kings of the earth [cf. Rv 17]; in the language of the Gospel, to render unto Caesar what is God's; and, in clear vernacular, to honor the world.
Considering that all persons, as God's creatures, have valuable gifts and qualities, what is the reason for this special mention of homosexuals? Is it implied that, by the sole fact of their being so, they are more gifted and qualified than the rest of mortals? Is it intended to affirm that, by being a homosexual, a person is freed from being envious, proud, vulgar, boring, an idiot, or completely stupid? Such a nonsensical and sophistic wording, so mellifluous and corrupt, reveals only a foolish eagerness, as that of a little puppy wagging its tail, to praise servilely the mindset of our age, to burn incense to Caesar; and, additionally, it dodges, in a very soft and pusillanimous way, the call to conversion of Christ -- who undoubtedly saw extremely valuable gifts and qualities in the adulterous woman, to whom he said nonetheless: "Sin no more."
But there certainly are homosexuals filled with gifts and qualities! Through the pen of some of them, the Holy Spirit speaks, and it would be good that the bishops, instead of reading kasperite monstrosities, dedicated themselves to read these illustrious homosexuals, in order to free themselves from their degrading slavery to political correction. Pier Paolo Pasolini, for example, in his Scritti Corsari [Corsair Writings], turns against the cynics and the moderates who have tried to adulterate the radical sense of the famous evangelical line, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's": "Because what Christ wanted to say could not be, in any way whatsoever, 'please them both, don't look for trouble, conciliate the practical aspects of social life with your religious life, try to swim and keep your clothes on while being in peace with both, etc.'" These bishops in the Synod could also read that sublime passage of the De Profundis in which Oscar Wilde, regretful for his sins, affirms: "Of course the sinner must repent. But why? Simply because otherwise he would be unable to realise what he had done. The moment of repentance is the moment of initiation. More than that: it is the means by which one alters one’s past. The Greeks thought that impossible. They often say in their Gnomic aphorisms, ‘Even the Gods cannot alter the past.’ Christ showed that the commonest sinner could do it, that it was the one thing he could do."
Pasolini and Wilde: two homosexuals filled with the divine gift of saying undeniable truths. Some swindlers wearing skullcaps could learn from them.