Vatican Diary / The scourge of divorce between bishop and diocese
Pope Francis blasts career ambitions. Including that of wanting to go from one episcopal see to another and then to another still. But the proposal to bind a bishop indissolubly to his diocese has so far fallen into the void. The résumés of the cardinals are proof of this
by Sandro Magister
VATICAN CITY, June 6, 2013 – One of the recurrent themes in the preaching of pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the warning against ecclesiastical careerism. Over and over, both in the homilies at the morning Masses at Saint Martha's and in those delivered on solemn occasions, the pontiff who has come “from the ends of the earth” denounces an ancient temptation, which in effect dates back to the times of Jesus, when the apostles, as the Gospels recount, battled among themselves over who was the greatest.
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