The same sodomite fascists that are attacking this gentle woman, Baronelle Stutzman, are trying to destroy the Church of Christ, Catholic.
What was to be a Synod on the Family degenerated into a manipulated attempt to approve of sodomy. Given the situation and the revelation that the Pope himself, according to Cardinal Marx, ordered words on homosexualism inserted into the Synod documents is it fair to ask each of our Bishops; are you homosexual?
If it is true, what Marx has said, then what is the responsibility of Pope Francis in this?
Pope Francis, is this true or not?
Do Marx, as well as Kasper, speak for you? What do these wealthy and worldly German Cardinals have on you?
Holy Father, that you seem to be so silent when they claim to speak your thoughts?
With all respect, Holy Father, your silence in the light of all that has happened is scandalous.
As stated by the Grand Mason of the Grand Lodge of Italy upon the election of Jorge Bergoglio, "nothing will be the same."
How much longer do we keep our heads in the sand?
Friends, we are indeed in a war not of our own making. It is time to stand up and be counted. We are not obliged to submit to a priest, a bishop, an archbishop, a cardinal or even the pope himself, if they teach or lead us against the truth of Christ and His Church.
Not one bit.