We've just discovered hidden in the storehouse and just in time, some of those Francismastree ornaments from 2017.
What better way to give due honour and glory to Bergoglio the Ingrate and to celebrate the new Feast of Francismas than to give all due honour and praise to his new mission against rigidity and his taking on the anti-messianic role as the Non Salvator Mundi by purchasing one of these for your FrancisMasTree?
What better way to give due honour and glory to Bergoglio the Ingrate and to celebrate the new Feast of Francismas than to give all due honour and praise to his new mission against rigidity and his taking on the anti-messianic role as the Non Salvator Mundi by purchasing one of these for your FrancisMasTree?
Get your new Francismastree Ornament while supplies last.
Supplies are limited.
Special new price:
Get it now to ship before Francismas!