The video below is of a priest ordained in Toronto by Thomas Cardinal Collins in 2018. I do not know this priest nor anything about him other than what he says in this video published by the communications department of the Archdiocese of Toronto. I am sure he is a good man, a faithful man. This post is not about him, but it is for him.
It is about the fact that this thoughtful, persevering masculine priest has been ordered by his pastor, Andrew MacBeth, to cooperate in the complete shuttering of St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic Parish in the tony district of Avenue Road in Toronto. In this community of $4,000,000.00 homes and Filipino nannies, the people have indicted MacBeth, tried him and found him wanting. Obedience, it seems, works for some, not for others.
This is what happens when you choose to cower in fear rather than use the example of the founder of this Archdiocese, Bishop Michael Power - a man who died ministering to his dying kin from the Old Sod. An example that his Irish descendent Collins seems to have forgotten. This is what happens when you disobey the Cardinals niggardly munificence to provide a service of Holy Communion for ten rather than the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for ten. This is what happens when you can't even open your doors for the Filipino nannies to come and pray.
They fight back the only way they can. And they go elsewhere. (If you can't find a priest for the sacraments, write me at
Why has Cardinal Thomas "No Mass for You" Collins not ordered MacBeth and others (Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Moore Park is another rich parish in lockdown) to open their doors? I know many priests who are doing everything they can within the bounds of Premier Bumpkin's politburo diktats and the Cardinal's cowardly failure of leadership. Not here though.
What does this example of MacBeth do to a new priest? What example does MacBeth give to Father MacDonald and what will Cardinal Collins do to save this young priest from becoming Andy MacBeth? I'm sure that St. Margaret of Scotland expects more out of the MacBeth and MacDonald clans than this.