How much longer, Eminence, will you cower before priests who refuse to offer the Sacraments and open their churches?
How much longer, Eminence, will you cower before the diktats of an egoist, unchurched, ignoramus Premier who has neither common sense nor an intelligent quotient above room temperature in order to govern rather than cower in fear before a modern day Mengele!
How much longer, Eminence, will you cower before “virtuous” public health officials, who have used psychological warfare on the public and a Mayor that laughs behind your back?
How much longer, Eminence, will you engage in this spiritual abuse that you have put upon the faithful by cooperating with this evil?
Advent. Christmastide. Epiphantide. The Gesimas. Ordinary Time, if you will. Ash Wednesday. Lent I, II. Is Holy Week next? No Triduum for the second year? Easter, gone? My bet is, yes!
Quite the legacy.
Cowardice. Hypocrisy. Abandonment of the sheep by a false Shepherd.
Come with us to the plain.