"He remained silent on the hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram. He remained silent on the young Sudanese mother Meriam, sentenced to death solely for being Christian and finally liberated by the intervention of others. He remains silent on the Pakistani mother Asia Bibi, who has been on death row for five years, she too because she is an “infidel,” and does not even reply to the two heartrending letters she has written to him this year, before and after the reconfirmation of the sentence." There's a War of Religion, but the Pope Keeps Quiet or Stammers - In the face of the offensive against radical Islam, Francis' idea is that "we must soothe the conflict" and forget Regensburg with serious harm also to the reformist currents of Islam. By Sandra MagisterPope Francis soon journey's to Turkey. Whilst Archbishop of Buenos Aires, he disapproved of Pope Benedict's monumental Regensburg Address which Magister states clearly had a positive affect in that it assembled Islamic scholars to discussion. Pope Francis' attitude towards the devil's religion is more akin to the wretched ostpolitik which looked away at the enslavement of communism and aided the perscution of the great Cardinals Slipy and Mindzenty.
A few weeks ago, I asked the question on this blog as to our sister Asia Bibi and the Holy Father's silence. Magister asks it now too. Diplomacy must sometimes be out in the open and in your face.
Islam is evil, what we are seeing today is the real Islam as history proves. Remember, all of north Africa south to Ethiopia and the Middle East other than Arabia were Christian by the seventh century. Within one hundred years of the death of the false-prophet Mahomet, it was virtually extinct using the same method that ISIS uses today.
So, what is the real Islam dear reader?
Why is the Pope silent?
Let us pray that he confronts this evil directly in Constantinople.