Roy Roberts of St. Elizabeth Seton parish in Newmarket in the Archdiocese of Toronto issued a blasphemous statement about Our Lord Jesus Christ and at the same time, a stunning, obvious and clear racist statement equating all Middle Eastern men, including this writer, a descendant of four Lebanese grandparent immigrants, as all looking like "terrorists." As someone whose blood flows 100% from that beautiful land of St. Maroon, St. Charbel and my distant cousin Saint Rafqa I am offended and demand an apology!
Back on September 17, 2012, we wrote here at Vox Cantoris: Musings on Orifices about Roy's upcoming proctological exploration adventure which Roy published in the parish bulletin. Alas, he has since removed the bulletin but not the evidence of his words. They live forever.
We get poked and prodded and pricked in places... We are checked over and under and even where the "sun don't shine". Speaking of where the sun don't shine, it is time for my second colonoscopy. It is about two years behind (no pun intended) schedule... all good things must come to an end - so to speak... it is the preparation that is the drudgery of it all. They try to disguise the prep with obscure sounding processes like the drink "evacuates" your insides for the camera. (When I dreamed of being in pictures, this isn't what I had in mind). No one warns you of the act of violence that this liquid perpetuates on you with sudden and prolonged fury... So then, it is time to stock up on nice, soft, Cottonelle, move the television so it is visible from the w.c., juice up the DS Nintendo, put a book or two within reach, and get ready for an evening of "evacuations"... Cheers, and bottoms up, so to speak.
Our old friend, The Heresy Hunter wrote on this and other actions on the takeover of the parish by Roy.
Cardinal Collins has made it a habit of cancelling a few priests known to this blogger. If he's looking to cancel any others, Roy should be at the top of this list.