Anthony Daniels, the Catholic Bishop of the suffering Diocese of Grand Falls has issued a video on the "Synod on Synodality." Little Bishy Tony had it shown instead of the homily at all Masses. It's had 58 views. We can up it to show what a putrid, sissy, incompetent idiot this clown really is.
Tony, you want to listen? You're a stinking liar. You will only listen to those pre-selected. You won't listen to the likes of me.
In the Diocese of St. Johns in Newfoundland, the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist is up for sale, so is every church. These pathetic devils think the people of Newfoundland should pay to buy the churches they already paid for so that the victims of the sodomite priests that they covered up can be compensated for a life of hell.
Speaking of hell, enjoy your stay.