Two weeks ago after Saturday Mass, the Fox and I had tea with our friend Ambrosia who lives next door to the church. Another tenant in the big old house, Gustavo, one with whom we were acquainted, came by to chat about the lawsuit that was never intended because according to Pope Francis, we are entering a "Holy Year of Mercy." Phew, thank you Pope!
Gustavo is of Italian and Mexican ancestry and spent his childhood in Mexico before coming to Canada. The subject of Argentinian men came up and how Mexicans and others in Central and South America take issue with "Argentinians." Gustavo continued, "there is a joke about Argentinians -- Dad, when I grow up I want to be just like you so that when I have a son he can be just like me."
In this story on Brietbart, taken from the original Spanish at Noticieros, Pope Francis says that "the devil doesn't forgive Mexico" because of Our Lady's appearance at Guadalupe. He also spoke about the need for Argentina to avoid "mexicanisation."
The Bishop of Rome went on to say that "We Argentineans aren’t humble” and that, “We are very conceited.”
Suicide, according to the truth as revealed by God through the Catholic Church, is a violation of the Commandments and is no joking matter. It destroys souls and families and leaves nothing but suffering in its wake. However, our non-introverted Pope who exhorted us to "make a mess" and manages well in that regard and attests to Argentinian arrogance spoken of by Gustavo when he quipped, "Do you know how an Argentinian commits suicide?” the Pope asked, joking. “He climbs up his ego and then jumps off!”
Suicide, according to the truth as revealed by God through the Catholic Church, is a violation of the Commandments and is no joking matter. It destroys souls and families and leaves nothing but suffering in its wake. However, our non-introverted Pope who exhorted us to "make a mess" and manages well in that regard and attests to Argentinian arrogance spoken of by Gustavo when he quipped, "Do you know how an Argentinian commits suicide?” the Pope asked, joking. “He climbs up his ego and then jumps off!”