Father Linus F. Clovis is a priest of the Archdiocese of Castries, St. Lucia in the West Indies. He studied for the priesthood at the Angelicum in Rome and was ordained in 1983 by Blessed Pope John Paul II. He spoke last week at a forum for ProLife leaders in Rome.
It can be found on Gloria TV http://gloria.tv/media/CG5Dyd1WWLg and Steve Skojec has transcribed some of the main points.
Father gives a clear assessment of the current situation. It is profound and lays out for the hearer. His clarity is refreshing, his honesty is shocking.
Let me give you a few examples:
It can be found on Gloria TV http://gloria.tv/media/CG5Dyd1WWLg and Steve Skojec has transcribed some of the main points.
Father gives a clear assessment of the current situation. It is profound and lays out for the hearer. His clarity is refreshing, his honesty is shocking.
Let me give you a few examples:
“When a bishop — a Catholic bishop — can applaud sin publicly, it causes us to tremble. But this is essentially the ‘Francis Effect.’ It’s disarming bishops and priests, especially after the Holy Father said, ‘Who am I to judge?’ I as a priest say Mass, preaching, and I make a judgment about a sin, one breaking the ten commandments, I would be condemned for judging. I would be accused of being ‘more Catholic than the pope’. There used to be a saying — rhetorical — ‘is the pope Catholic?’ That’s no longer funny.” (in reference to Dolan’s “Bravo!” comments regarding the coming out of football player Michael Sam.)
“Obedience is owed to the pope, but the pope owes obedience to the word and the apostolic tradition. We have to obey the pope, but the pope himself must obey the written word. He must obey the tradition. He must respond to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Obedience is owed to the pope, but it is the duty of the pope to give the character of possibility to this obedience. The pope has to facilitate our obeying him, by himself being obedient to the Word of God. Pope Felix III told us, ‘an error that is not resisted is approved. A truth that is not defended is suppressed.’ So we have an obligation to resist error, and we must do everything that we can to promote the truth.”
Please visit OnePeterFive for the rest of the transcript.