The Cardinal is correct because the whole pagan world, Greeks, Romans, Celts and Druids all practiced sodomy and with young boys especially. This is historical fact. The snakes chased out of Ireland were not literal snakes, it is metaphorical. St. Patrick found sodomy rife amongst the Druid and Celtic pagans.
Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness has commented on the rightness of Cardinal Burke's statement juxtaposed with the actual phrase "ideology of evil" used to describe sodomite and lesbian "marriage" by Saint John Paul II. He further highlights the "outburst of treachery" by Archbishop Eamon Martin.
The referendum merely reflected the debasement of the Irish mind. Ireland is now mission territory. For their cowardice, their treachery, their refusal to preach in season and out of season - the Irish hierarchy should resign. In his last book,"Identity and Remembrance", the late, now sainted Pope denounced same-sex "marriage" as an "ideology of evil". Not one word of this from the bishops.
Indeed, we had the most recent outburst of treachery from Archbishop Eamon Martin that the far more gentle words of Cardinal Burke were unacceptable. When will this Irish episcopal mercenary resign or be removed from Office? He is staining with his treacherous presence the office of his holy predecessors. These cowards have not even apologized before God for their failure.
I highly recommend you to these three posts by Barona.
Ireland has been betrayed by its bishop and priests. One can only conclude that they have lost the faith, if they ever indeed had it or that enough of them are simply caught up themselves in the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah which was not, as some would like to conclude, a lack of hospitality.
Gird your loins brothers and sisters. The battle is coming to us.