The homosexual takeover of the Roman Catholic Church ~ the Homo-Dominicans
"It is heartening to see the wave of support for gay marriages. It shows a society that aspires to an open tolerance of all sorts of people, a desire for us to live together in mutual acceptance.”
Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, O.P.
Thirty years ago, Fr. John O'Connor, O.P. (until he was suspended and expelled from the Dominicans by vicious and hateful homosexuals), rose from being an obscure priest to "notoriety", simply because he began to expose homosexual activity and homosexual propaganda within his order, the Dominicans. O' Connor since has gone to his eternal reward.
Key Homo-Dominicans that O' Connor identified were his persecutor, Fr. Donald J Goergen, O.P., (author of "The Sexual Celibate" - a seminal homosexualist work written in 1974) and Fr. Richard Woods, O.P. (author of "Another Kind of Love" - a major homosexualist work written in 1977). Neither of these two homo-Dominicans were suspended or expelled from the Order. Fr. O' Connor identified "Another Kind of Love" by Woods as an example of notorious promotion of homosexuality.
Woods has had a distinguished career as a university professor. He continues to teach at Loyola University and write. He also blogs, and as we shall see: continues to write openly in favour of homosexuality. He is part of a decades long infiltration into the Church of militant homosexualists and homosexuals who seek to destroy the Church by destroying the priesthood.
Please visit Toronto Catholic Witness for more of Barona's revelation of this scandalous priest.