The Catholic faithful who have received their rights to raise issues of concern to the Church by Vatican II and articulated in Canon Law will not be silenced!
This Catholic priest then takes to calling people names, like "toxic." Not a Christ-like thing to do. We need to change the language and reach out to those faithful Catholics in the peripheries who smell like sheep, but sheep who won't be silenced on the way to the slaughterhouse!
Father Thomas J. Rosica is the Vatican's English language spokesman and Executive Producer of the little watched and ill-regarded Salt + Light Television in Canada. All the English news on the Synod, unless spoken by a bishop or Cardinal, is filtered through this priest under the direction of Federico Lombardi, S.J.
Father Rosica has said that the Catholic Church suffers from a "ghetto mentality" and has supported "shared communion" according to this interview in the Windsor Star, whilst he was a Deacon. Have his views changed or have they simply progressed along a certain continuum?
We have evidence that the filtering is leaving certain things out. For example only "one or two" raised the issue of homosexuality, yet last Monday's press conference and the secular media that lapped it up made one think it was all they talked about.
Catholics reacted and took to Twitter and Facebook. The only outlets that they have. What does Father Rosica do? He goes on a blocking campaign and then accuses people of acting badly. Two of the people whom I know don't have a bad bone in their bodies and they were blocked. So who's telling the truth and who needs to go to Confession?
The hashtag "RosicaBlockParty and a Facebook "support group" are the result of frustrated Catholics; frustrated that the Vatican's communication expert, a man who sits on the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, won't!
This Catholic priest then takes to calling people names, like "toxic." Not a Christ-like thing to do. We need to change the language and reach out to those faithful Catholics in the peripheries who smell like sheep, but sheep who won't be silenced on the way to the slaughterhouse!
He blocks on Twitter thinking that will end it. He doesn't realise that all one needs to do is open Twitter in a browser that one is not signed in on or take out another account and resume contact. Pontifical Council on Social Communications, really?
Father Rosica, will not shut down the voice of the faithful who have seen through the sham of this Synod which is intended to soften the Church's words and teaching on sodomy and divorce and undermine the Sacraments.
It is not about the family. It is a sham that starts at the very top.
It is not about the family. It is a sham that starts at the very top.
We will not allow it, even if it is from Francis himself.