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Abbot Jeremias Schröder - the heresy of Church devolution and the blessing of sodominical relationships

There is more heretical talk coming out of Rome today at the Synod on the Family, from Germany, no less. During today's English-language briefing, Father Federico Lombardi, S.J., was joined on the dais by a German Benedictine, Abbot Jeremias Schröder. 

We know as Catholics that two of the four marks of the true Church of Christ on earth, along with Holy and Apostolic, is that She is One and She is Universal, from the Greek, katholikó from where we have the word, catholic. This is elementary, every child is, or was, taught this. Every person coming into the Church through RCIA is, or should be, taught this. The Church being Universal and One means that She is the same everywhere in the world. While there may be different liturgical rites and some legitimate room for inculturation in terms of devotions and feasts and approved liturgical permissions, the doctrine of faith is one because the Church is One!

The Catholic Church cannot have different doctrinal or pastoral practices or She ceases to be Catholic! Bishops' Conferences have no authority nor can authority be "devolved" to them. This is heretical. A Catholic is Catholic in union with their Bishop and he with the Pope. A "conference" is not and cannot be the same thing. 

Why is it necessary to repeat this? Because as Father Paul Nicholson states today, "a properly catechized first Communion boy may actually know more doctrine than some shepherds today." I urge you to visit there to read his thoughts on what follows here and to read the link there back to the words of our beloved, then Cardinal Ratzinger's letter on Communion.

At the briefing today and in front of Federico Lombardi, S.J., the Abbot stated as recorded by Vatican Insider:

“Many of the speeches in the general discussions mentioned the possibility of dealing with questions on the basis of a given cultural context. I would say there were about twenty or so speeches and only two or three were against, claiming that for the sake of the Church’s unity handing over powers would have fatal consequences. I think that in this stage of the discussions, the idea is mostly shared. I, for example am German and it seems to me that the remarried divorces issue is very strongly and widely felt in Germany and much less so elsewhere. This is an area where there could be space for original pastoral ideas, also as far as the understanding of homosexuality goes, an issue that really varies from culture to culture. National Episcopal Conferences could be allowed to search for pastoral solutions that are in tune with their specific cultural context.”  

Why was this man not rebuked? What is this preoccupation with sodomy in the minds of these men? Are they homosexuals themselves or if not, "out" are they suffering from some kind of latent tendencies that causes them to be so consumed with the insertion of the penis into the anus of another man, and worse, if there could be?

Let me print this again so you get what this Abbot and others want the Holy Catholic Church to accept as a valid "lifestyle" with the Catholic Church:

Caution, descriptive language!

This is what our Churchmen want you to accept as normal and "gifts" to offer to the Church. The insertion of the penis into the anus of another man to be used as a masturbatory force. Mutual masturbation. Oral sodomy  the insertion of the penis into the man's mouth often through the use of "poppers" amyl nitrate contained in room deodorizers to soften and open the muscles of the anus or throat. The swallowing of the semen of another man. Fisting. Analingus (yes, it is what you think it is - the licking of another man's anus. Slurp ramps, glory holes, felsching. The expulsion of excrement and its consumption is common during these actions. Well, what do you think happens? It is not about the colour of the towels and it doesn't matter how "nice they are!"

Now, have you let that settle in a little? Sorry for the explicitness but we need to be clear on what these rotten evil shepherds want to sanction.

Viele Fragen, um die es geht, sollte man regional entscheiden dürfen. Wir brauchen nicht für jedes Problem eine einheitliche, gesamtkirchliche Lösung, die in Rom erarbeitet wurde. Die Kirche muss sich vielleicht darauf verständigen, dass in unterschiedlichen Weltregionen und Kulturkreisen ein jeweils anderer Umgang mit dem komplexen Thema Familie ermöglicht wird. Ein Ordensmitglied aus dem Nahen Osten sagte mir jüngst: Eine Würdigung gleichgeschlechtlicher Lebensformen durch die Kirche wäre, rein hypothetisch, möglicherweise in Europa denkbar. Im islamischen Kontext wäre es das aber keinesfalls....

One should be allowed to decide many questions about which it is on the regional level. We do not need for every problem a uniform, whole-church solution which was compiled in Rome. The church must maybe come to an agreement about the fact that in different world regions and societies another contact with the complicated subject Family is allowed. An order member from the Middle East said me recently: An acknowledgment of same-sexual life forms by the church would be conceivable, purely hypothetically, possibly in Europe. However, in the Islamic context it would on no account be this....

In dieser Frage hat mir Kardinal Rainer Maria Woelki die Augen geöffnet: Er hat darauf hingewiesen, welche Werte, etwa Treue, auch in gleichgeschlechtlichen Partnerschaften gelebt werden. Einen Segen für sie schließt das nicht aus, aber dann müsste die Kirche dafür vielleicht auch neue Formen finden. Ich fände es jedenfalls fatal, wenn eine Segnung gleichgeschlechtlicher Partnerschaften verwechselt würde mit dem Sakrament der Ehe von Mann und Frau, die auf die Zeugung von Leben hin gegründet ist.

In this question cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki has opened to me the eyes: He has pointed to the fact which values, possibly loyalty, are also lived in same-sexual partnerships. This does not exclude a blessing for them, but then the church would have to find for it maybe also new forms. I would find it, in any case, fatal if a blessing of same-sexual partnerships was mistaken for the sacrament of the marriage of man and woman who is founded on the fathering from life.

Loyalty has nothing to do with how they live? They will die younger and be sicker because of what they do and then they will go to Hell for all eternity!

Abbot does not think this blessing should be "mistaken for the sacrament of marriage." Is he stupid? Is he blackmailed? Is he a sodomite? How does he think it is going to be interpreted?

Will no one in authority hold these men, these heretics, these men spouting bile and filth against the teachings of Our Blessed Lord, accountable?

Is it truly up to us, the poor and abused laity?

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