Channel: Vox Cantoris
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Bull Coprophagia in Buffalo

The above photo is of Sts. Columba and Brigid Catholic Church in Buffalo, a city with some beautiful churches, mostly empty. The story is reported from John Vennari at Catholic Family News.

Bishop Malone of Buffalo found out through Vennari and presumably other social media (another victory for the Catholic Internet) and promptly ordered the priest to remove it. In a response to John Vennari, the Bishop wrote:
“Thank you for your message regarding the sign at SS Columba – Brigid Church here in Buffalo. As soon as I learned of this sign, I took immediate action to have it removed. The pastor of SS Columba – Brigid Church told me that the “2 Dads” were meant to refer to a child who has both a father and stepfather. There are several children in his parish who have both a father and stepfather. However, given the potential for the meaning of this message to be misunderstood and even perceived in a heretical way, it was immediately removed.”
Yes, that's right. The priest meant those with a step-dad. Right.

But that's not all. I took a little look through the web page, Photos are always very helpful.


Are you ready for "communion?"
Tell us now Father Roy Herberger, is that a rainbow in that stole? Is that a picnic because it certainly is not a Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is an abomination. It is a blasphemy at your hands. You are disgrace to the priesthood. A disgrace to Buffalo.

If you believe that sign wasn't about a couple of sodomites, I've some nice pristine land along the Love Canal for sale too. 

Who gave this man boy his First Holy Communion?


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