For a Catholic Cardinal, and one in the Vatican, to send out such a message, sends the wrong message. What kind of fools and idiots are these Roman prelates to lionise such a man?
Barona has an excellent take on this, "Santo Subito," according to the world.
However, I urge you to visit the page of Joseph Sciambra for a perspective that is profound, personal and must-reading by moral theologians and prelates such as the incompetent, Ravasi.
Given Sciambra or Ravasi, my bets are on Joseph for the one with more of a Catholic heart and mind.
Ravasi is quite the Tweeter; funny, I would have thought the world's greatest evil might be eucharistic sacrilege, abortion, genocide, infanticide, doctor-assisted-death, pornography, illegal drug trafficking, sodomy, murder, depriving just wages, rampant greed. Who knew that it was sadness?
What a hireling.