Patriarch of Antioch Refuses to Leave Syria
Patriarch of Antioch Refuses to Leave SyriaZakka I Iwas rejects speculation about internal church dispute over abducted bishops of Aleppo Vatican City ( / KAP) The Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of...
View ArticleExtraordinary conclave revelation!
This is extraordinary as revealed through Sandro Magister:Groundbreaking: The Last Warning to the Pope's ElectorsThe official bulletin of the Holy See has lifted the secrecy from the meditation...
View ArticleSodomite Mafia: Filth in Scotland
The homo-mafia in the Catholic Church must be outed and exorcised. Why didn't Archbishop Conti do something about it when the situation occurred. His silence makes him complicit.The Holy Father must...
View ArticleThe Best Vortex -- EVER!
What kind of bishop would ever be a "registered Democrat" or a registered anything for that matter. Once again, Michael Voris nails it.You out there, yes you who would call him and the rest of us us...
View ArticleWho cares?
Do you? EnglishToday at 5:40amCardinal Rai speaks of his belief that there is a plan to destroy the Arab world for political and economic interests.The Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Bechara Rai,...
View ArticleLatin Mass in London, Ontario
Next Sunday, September 1, the traditional Latin Mass in the Diocese of London begins a new phase. One year ago, the Mass which had been celebrated at the former convent of the Sisters of St. Joseph...
View ArticleOpen Letter to Father Dwight Longenecker
Dear Father Longenecker,You have publicly written an article entitled, "Do we need Michael Voris." As someone who knows Mr. Voris personally, I am saddened that you, as a Catholic priest, would even...
View ArticleThe drumbeats of war; the people don't matter.
"We will not be collateral damage!"This minion of the malefactor Obama could not even look her in the eye.
View ArticleAbun D'Bashmayo
Let us pray and fast for our brothers and sisters in Syria. (turn down the music at the top right or stop at the left of the bar).
View ArticleWe will never forget
"Pride of man and earthly glory,sword and crown betray his trust,what with care and toil he buildeth,tower and temple fall to dust;but God's power, hour by hour,is my temple and my tower." May those...
View ArticleSolemn Latin Mass in Toronto - Our Lady of the Rosary
Please join the Knights of Columbus of Blessed John XXIII Council 4976 and their guests from the Knights of Malta and the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem; and the Toronto...
View ArticlePapal Nuncio to Canada abruptly resigns
Sources close to this writer advised a few days ago that the Papal Nuncio to Canada would be replaced sometime in October, perhaps around the 15th. In an unexpected occurrence, the Most Rev. Pedro...
View ArticleRorate hits the mark
Our good friends at the Rorate Caeli blog have two posts which I wish to point you too.1. The scandalous behaviour of a tie-wearing bishops from France who has the temerity to call for armed assault...
View ArticleHolding my tongue as best I can
When one wakes to a world where the to find that "The most serious of evils that afflict the world in recent years are youth unemployment and the solitude in which the old are left" when I nursed my...
View ArticleThe end of he world as we know it
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Wednesday welcomed Pope Francis' recent remarks that the Catholic Church must shake off an obsession with teachings on abortion, contraception and...
View ArticleTORONTO: Solemn Latin Mass for Our Lady of the Rosary
Please join the Knights of Columbus of Blessed John XXIII Council 4976 and their guests from the Knights of Malta and the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem; and the Toronto...
View ArticleDemeaning of Cardinal Burke exposed for what it is
The pitting of one against another by the secularists and Catholic-haters continues. We've seen it continuously since March, how all of a sudden, the Church and its Chief Shepherd have discovered...
View ArticlePope Francis to declare Canadian, "Servant of God"
Let the little children come to me," said Jesus to his disciples (Luke 18, 16) . To achieve this commitment to the children of the diocese of Rimouski, God prepared a wonderful woman of tenderness and...
View ArticleSeven years ago
Dear Readers; Your indulgence please as this was originally posted, October 16, 2006 and edited for today on the seventh of anniversary of the passing into eternity of: A WIDOW WHO SOUGHT "THE PEARL OF...
View ArticleToronto's Catholic Register manipulates Pontiff's words
Is it not bad enough? Some of the Holy Father's language and verbiage are already confusing enough and we've seen how the lame stream media have manipulated his words; but to see this in a Catholic...
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