Tis good, Lord, to be here
This is a wonderful hymn which I have programmed as the recessional hymn after the traditional Latin Mass today. Some day, this will be a Catholic place again. It was founded by St. Wilfred in the...
View ArticleNo Paul VI permission for Nuns contraceptive use, it is a LIE and propagated...
In my post a few below, The Bergoglio-Lombardi Diabolical Disorientation, I referred to the aeroplane interview wherein Pope Francis mused about contraception, He used, and Lombardi later stated it...
View ArticleMethinks this priest, Dwight Longenecker, should find some time in the...
Dwight Longenencker who receives income every time you click on him at Patheos has publicly detracted and calumniated against Donald Trump and must be called out for it.In a post which I have put below...
View ArticleCapital Punishment is Catholic
The Church is in a grave crisis - a crisis of faith and the belief in the Real Presence, a crisis of vocations, education and family life and our Pope erring involves himself in an American election...
View ArticleRosica interviews Bernie Sanders - The Bern likes the Pope, they're both...
What is most fascinating about this interview of the really bad porn writer and communist Bernie Sanders, is the incredible "disclaimer" together with the care that our friend Tom has gone to ensure...
View ArticlePaul Durocher - daydream doodling and doctrinal diddlying
Paul Durocher. Now there's a name we've not heard since October. Please forgive me for not putting his title as a prefix. Truly, when he starts acting it, I'll start addressing him by it.Y'all remember...
View ArticlePope Bergoglio! Shall we look at what she did?
In his effort to reach out to the peripheries and be a friend to the world, Jorge Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome praised Emma Bonino an Italian politician and abortionist. Gloria TV is reporting the...
View ArticleAbp. Pozzo and the Society of St. Pius X
Where are we with the SSPX?—Abp. PozzoFebruary 26, 2016 District of the USARead what Archbishop Pozzo had to say about the SSPX in Zenit on February 26, 2016.We here present some extracts of Archbishop...
View ArticleOh Canada, our home and land of doctor assisted death
The Supreme Court of Canada ruled last year in favour of euthanasia. With the defeat of Stephen Harper in the last election, any hope of a bill that would stop the action died with the election of the...
View ArticleSodomites in the priesthood - more lives destroyed, more disgrace upon the...
Homosexuals. Sodomites. Sexual predators. Monsters. Evil bishops who protected them. Evil disgusting so-called men who defiled their own selves, defiled the Church, destroyed the lives of boys....
View ArticleCardinal Collins calls Parliamentary Committee report "chilling" - orders...
Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, has instructed every pastor in Toronto to read in the parish a letter on the crime of euthanasia in...
View ArticleMichael Coren and the name which dare not speak its name but won't shut its...
It seems a little odd that a day after the quickly failing Toronto Star featured an article by Thomas Cardinal Collins on doctor assisted suicide or legalised physician murder, it should feature a...
View ArticleGiovanni Battista Montini to be a Saint?
Reports out of Rome are that a second "miracle" is being attributed to Paul VI thus opening now the pathway for his canonisation.Look, the Saint Machine is considered "infallible." Yet.He presided over...
View ArticleVoris exposes homosexual mafia under Timothy Dolan!
BLOCKBUSTER!Michael Voris sits down with a high-ranking source in the archdiocese of New York to get exclusive behind-the-scenes information on what really goes on with Cardinal Timothy Dolan and the...
View ArticlePatrick Brown - denounce and apologise for the comments of Walied Soliman!
My international readers will pardon me for a local political story with a clear dereliction that will disgust you as well. BackgroundOntario was once the most prosperous province in Canada. Our...
View ArticleThe Cardinal and the Prime Minister
Toronto Archbishop, Thomas Cardinal Collins, issued a letter to be read this past weekend in all churches. His Eminence was present to celebrate Mass and deliver his homily at St. Paul's Basilica. The...
View ArticleThe Sodomite network in New York includes a Cardinal - Michael Voris breaking...
Don't think this is only in New York!http://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/watchnew-yorks-homosexual-priest-mafia-is-being-exposed
View ArticleVale-vale "Crux!"
Not any more!The Boston Globe has announced the withdrawal of financial support for Crux."We simply haven’t been able to develop the financial model of big-ticket, Catholic-based advertisers that was...
View ArticleBut Jesus Hid Himself
Today is the Fifth Sunday of Lent which begins Passiontide. If one attends Mass strictly in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite it is not generally apparent having mostly been done away with...
View ArticleNew York homosexual priest gang continues on. How long can Dolan ignore this?
Michael Voris keeps it coming.As I wrote previously, "all we need to do is change the names."A reader in New York City has written:Our Saviour (Church in New York) is a metaphor for the destruction of...
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