Wolność dla Mary Wagner

CanadianCatholicsentencedto prison forsaving livesof unborn children
Do you know whoisMaryWagner? The 38-year-old Catholicfrom Canada,for manyyears,is committed toprotecting the lives ofunborn children. For thisconviction she has beenarrested and is in prison inCanada.

Althoughit seems unbelievablethatin Canada there is sentencedto prison someone for Catholicbeliefs, it has unfortunately happened. On the onehand,Canadagives citizens the"freedom"to killunborn children, on the other tiesthe hands of those whowant touse peaceful means todissuadewomenfromabortion.

MaryWagner has for many yearsprayed at abortion clinics, talking towomen whointend tohave an abortion, manyhandedwhite roses and some of thewomen and their childrenwere rescued.

The presence ofMaryat an "abortuary businesscaused her arrest andimprisonment as a symbol thatwould discourageotherpro-life people to commit similar acts.

Mary, however, does not give inand announcedthatafter releasewill continuetrying tosave the livesof unbornchildren and theirmothers.Asshe wrote in herletter during a recent visit to Poland, "my visit to Polandalsoled meto Auschwitz.I wouldnot gothere alone, butdid not want todenymy friends. This iswhat wesawshockedmeto the core.Reading theguest bookcall: "Let this crimewill neverhappen again", I realized that"this"happensagain, justbefore our eyesin another place, in Toronto it is happening nowin Canadaand around the world.

Let us show our solidarity to this lonelyMary, whostruggles withwickedsystem and use all available meansfighting forher release.

Signaturesgo to thePrime Minister ofCanadaby email(sign the petition isto send sucha message).

Those whohave already signedthe petitionare:

MichaelBaran, a board member of the FoundationONEOF US
GortychBartholomew, president of the CatholicAssociationof AcademicSALTDEO
Marek Jurek
Ks. ThomasKancelarczyk, Brotherhoodof small feet
LechŁuczyński, Institute of OrdoCaritatis
Prof.Ryszard Legutko
Kazimierz MichałUjazdowski
Dr.PaulWosicki, president of the PolishFederation ofPro-Life Movements
Dr.Eng.AntoniZieba, president of the PolishAssociation for the Protectionof Human Life.