The face of a malefactor!
The face of a heretic!
As I awake at early dawn, the press is elated. The world is in praise.
New York Times
Times of London
The Guardian
This man called "Pope Francis" is trending on social media.
A Catholic teacher has been fired in Edmonton, Canada.
In an Ontario city, another Catholic teachers has been suspended with pay and sent for reeducation.
In Hamilton, Ontario, the government is fighting in court a Greek Orthodox parent for removing his child from blatant sexual education classes.
Three cases. Real. Current. The laity and good priests will now be persecuted because of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his evil, imprudent remarks on the aeroplane returning from Armenia. All three involve people defending Christian morality and Catholic teaching.
He twists the catechism to suit his aims and the zeitgeist. He speaks of "discrimination."
No! The CCC says they must be free from "unjust discrimination" which means that certain types are in fact, just!
He does not state the rest, that the orientation is objectively disordered and the act is intrinsically disordered. He speaks of "pastoral" need and has allowed the media today and moving forward to beat every Catholic priest, teacher or layman who dares to speak the truth.
Bergoglio has thrown all of us under the bus of perversion and the sodomitical juggernaut.
This man will leave people suffering from same-sex attraction in their sin. They will die and go to Hell.
They will not be alone!
He may very well be with them, staring into their faces, hating each other for having rejected God and His truth.
Yes, Jorge Mario Bergoglio will go to Hell if he does not amend his ways and teach the faith.
A disgrace to the papacy.
A boil on the Body of Christ.