Is Cardinal Reinhard Marx a homosexual?
Come out all the way out Eminence. It is "pride" month after all which as you once knew,"goes before the fall."What an malefactor.. What a disgusting, shepherd. What a wolf who would let people die in...
View ArticleJorge Bergoglio - You are a malefactor and unfit as Vicar of Our Lord Jesus...
Not a week goes by, not an aeroplane trip ending without Jorge Bergoglio saying something that is a scandal and a disgrace to the Chair of Peter. On the trip back from Armenia, Bergoglio has said...
The face of a malefactor!The face of a heretic!As I awake at early dawn, the press is elated. The world is in praise.New York TimesBBCCNNTimes of LondonCBSThe GuardianThis man called "Pope Francis" is...
View ArticleBergoglio praised Luther - who will denounce him?
Lest you think that this Bergoglio only betrayed the faithful Catholics in Courage and those such as Joseph Sciambra, how about the fact that he praised Martin Luther!In the rest of that disgusting,...
View ArticlePope Bergoglio is "angry"
It seems that the Pope is angry because the media has not told "the truth of things" relating to deaconnettes? It was one of the other little gems that came out of his interview enroute home from...
View ArticleThe Pope Francis praise of Martin Luther began with Pope Benedict XVI - they...
Through the research of a very welcomed and regular commenter on this blog, Mark Thomas, comes a reminder which most of us may have forgotten. After posting this, Wolverine, another commenter, left a...
View ArticleA young reader asks, "Who will apologise to my parents?
From the combox ...My name is Michael, I am 12 years old. My mom has been homeschooling us, my two sisters and myself for 6 years. My youngest brother (3 years old) will also be home-schooled. My...
View ArticleCatholics who leave "gays" in their sin are no different than the Mohammedan,...
If you do not know who Joseph Sciambra is, you will after reading this.Perhaps the Bishop of Rome should ask Joseph what he thinks about apologies to "gays".But first, Bergoglio should apologise for...
View ArticleSSPX issues communique - "The proclamation of Catholic doctrine requires the...
The Society of St. Pius X has issued a communique today following its meeting of major superiors. The Pope is in error on much, he has sown seeds of discord and promulgated confusion, insults and he...
View ArticlePope's comments on marriage are "reckless ... troubling" and an...
They're finally getting it.Conservative NovusOrdoIsm is waking up to our reality!
View ArticleJorge Bergoglio violates the Catechism on Capital Punishment
If I, as a Catholic, stood in public and delivered an address, or wrote here on this blog, something that is entirely inconsistent with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and two millennia of...
View ArticleNot my Canada
July 1.Once known as Dominion Day after the 72nd Psalm, "And he shall have dominion from sea to sea and from the great river to the ends of the earth." It recalled the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic...
View ArticleBenedict XVI admits "gay lobby" power in Vatican
Joseph Ratzinger should have outed these filthy rats. Now, Jorge Bergoglio has become their best friend.In memoirs, ex Pope Benedict saysVatican 'gay lobby' tried to wield power: reportBy Philip...
View ArticleJesuits demand Holy Communion for all!
From the magazine published by Anthony Spadaro, S.J., a particularly close Bergoglian confidant.Communion For All, Even For ProtestantsIn addition to the divorced and remarried, for Luther’s followers...
View ArticleI am sorry to "Gays"
I am sorry to all "gays."I am sorry that Pope Francis said the words "who am I too judge" and because he did not understand that the media would leave out the first part and only concentrate on the...
View ArticlePope Francis to move forward against the will of "ultra-conservative" but...
When people use the words "ultra-conservative" or "radical traditionalist" to describe faithful Catholics they actually reveal themselves for what are:Dissenters.Modernists.Heretics.Take this writer...
View ArticleOnce again Francis disgraces the Church in collusion with the secularist...
Tancred, at the Eponymous Flower, has a full translation of the latest secular media interview with the occupant of the Chair of the Holy Apostle, St. Peter. It comes through the original German at...
View ArticleCardinal Sarah calls for "ad orientem" worship and kneeing for Holy...
“It is very important that we return as soon as possible to a common orientation, of priests and the faithful turned together in the same direction – eastwards or at least towards the apse – to the...
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