![Image result for feast of the holy cross](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fc/Agnolo_Gaddi_-_Discovery_of_the_True_Cross_-_WGA08367.jpg)
Today is the Feast of Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
My friends, we must cling to that Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ throughout this calamity that has come upon us. Do not ever think of leaving the Catholic Church because of what one Pope does. At the same time, do not be a papolater. Stay faithful. Stay with Our Blessed Mother Mary and Saint John the Evangelist at the foot of the Holy Cross.
Look, we're all upset about Francis. Some are suggesting that he is an antipope. Others, or the same ones, state that Benedict XVI is still the Pope, or that we have two. We don't. We have one Pope, and it is Francis.
If he is an antipope, then history will judge him and a future Pope or Council will declare it and all of his works, anathema!
He cannot be deposed, so forget it. He can be confronted, and cardinals and bishops must act.
Bergoglio has shown himself clearly now for all to see. He is a vindictive man. He is a narcissist. He is angry and disgusted with you and me. He is lashing out irrationally at faithful Catholics - laity and clergy. He insults and has done so since he took the Seat. He follows Alinsky principles as his homily on this Monday past, reveals.
It is we who are the problems, he thinks. Isolate and ridicule the enemy, that is what Alinsky taught and what this good little Marxist does. We are the ones being divisive, in his modernist mind.
No! It is not us, it is him!
We did not ask for this but we are getting it. We prayed for the pope we needed and not the one we deserved. We were not worthy, we got the one we deserved.
It is him. It is Bergoglio, he is the divider. He is the divider that is under the influence of Satan, Not me. Not you. It is Bergoglio. He is the one who has caused this distress, this calamity following his god of surprises, a god no more real than the one worshipped by Mahomet!
It is projection on his part as Hilary White has written. We did not create this division. He insults, he sets his face against the little people. He speaks of going out to the peripheries. Well, it depends which periphery you're in for him to even care. He created this whole crisis in his lust after the Kasper agenda, or; is it Kasper who carried out the Bergoglian agenda?
Was Kasper just a dupe of Bergoglio?
It really doesn't matter now. We are, where we are.
What we can know is this: based upon the Law, Benedict XVI renounced the papacy, the colour of his cassock does not make him Pope. He should not have the title "emeritus," there is no such thing as an "emeritus pope" but that does make him Pope. He is simply now, Bishop Ratzinger. Should Francis put on a pink cassock tomorrow, it wouldn't change anything, he would still be Pope, though a rather queer one, no doubt.
Friends, it is as simple as this: Francis is Pope because the priests of the Diocese of Rome accept him as their Bishop and that makes him the Bishop or Rome and thus, Pope of the Universal Church, period!
Sedevacantism is not an option. You can read at True or False Pope, the most thorough rebuttal to it. Yet, can anyone deny that Work of Human Hands by Father Cekada is a document that everyone should read to understand that evil that set itself upon the Holy Sacrifice? Sedevacantists are Catholic, are they heretics? Well, if they are, are these any worse than the Kaspers and the rest in "full communion?" Can we not all understand the scandal that drove them to this position? Do we not actually have more in common in faith with them than most people or priests in your typical diocesan parish? I love my "sede" friends whom I know personally and online. But they are wrong. It is the easy way out. Is Francis a heretic? Probably. Does it mean he ceases to be Pope? Not in Law. He cannot be deposed. He is Pope. So was John XXIII, Paul VI and the rest. The papacy did not stop at Pius XII.
Francis is the Pope and we must endure it and what may come. Lund is only a few weeks away. It won't be pretty. It may be the last straw for many to cease their tolerance of his scandals.
Deposed he cannot be. Denounced, he most certainly can be.
We are in crisis not seen in centuries. Robert Royal states today:
"I’m afraid that the rest of this papacy is now going to be rent by groups of dissenters, charges of papal heresy, threats of – and perhaps outright –schism."This, is what Bergoglio has given us.
Yet, the Lord is permitting it. Therefore, we must accept it as part of His divine plan!
Stay faithful friends. Stay with Christ and His Church. Our Blessed Lord is Head, the Holy Ghost is in control. Do not be a papolater. Do not ascribe to the Bishop of Rome that which the Protestants have accused us of.
Do not panic. Do not waver. Do not flee.
We were born for this.