Vatican confirms it - Bergoglio said, "Non ci sono altre interpretazioni!"
Perhaps the detractors of LifeSiteNews might want to offer a little apology. It seems that they were ripped apart on social media for daring to suggest that Bergoglio actually said what he did.Well,...
View ArticleLift High the Cross
Today is the Feast of Exaltation of the Holy Cross.My friends, we must cling to that Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ throughout this calamity that has come upon us. Do not ever think of leaving the...
View ArticleA note on comments ....
Friends,A robust combox is always welcome. It was one of the great things about the Rorate Caeli blog until they closed it. I am loathe to censor any of you. All are welcome.Very few comments are...
View ArticleBishop Nguyen of Parramatta walks it back
A few weeks ago, we posted on the Bishop of Paramatta's long, winding statement on homosexuality. The Diocese issued a Tweet to deny it. That post, here on Vox, had over 4,084 direct hits. More read it...
View ArticleBergoglio's words are now seen as a "green light"
They will tell you he didn't change Canon Law. They will tell you it is not magisterial teaching.They will tell you that a letter to one bishop does not apply universally.They will tell you he did not...
View ArticleCatholic Bishops of Alberta in Canada declare themselves as, well Catholic
It's absolutely true.Pigs have been found flying over the Alberta foothills.But what will they do now since their interpretation of Amoris Laetitia is not that of Bergoglio's?From the Catholic Bishops...
View ArticleIs Cardinal Christoph Schönborn waking up to the horrible reality at his gates?
The Cardinal has since "clarified" his remarks.“Europe’s Christian legacy is in danger, because we Europeans have squandered it. That has absolutely nothing to do with Islam nor with the refugees. It...
View ArticleFrancis says!
“The world is tired of lying spellbinders and, allow me to say, ‘trendy’ priests or bishops. The people sniff them out – they have God’s sense of smell – and they walk away when they recognise...
View ArticleOn Comments
Friends,I am loathe to censor the combox, other than what one might expect for profanity, or something against the Faith, or as in the specific case of one priest from my own city who engages in...
View ArticleBergoglio expects you to accept refugee terror and murder in your...
A pipe bomb in New Jersey.A bomb explodes in a downtown Manhattan garbage dumpster.A bomb is found in a pressure cooker in New York.A Muslim in Minnesota, a State whose leftist welcomed a massive...
View ArticleBergoglio expects you to accept refugee terror and murder in your...
A pipe bomb in New Jersey.A bomb explodes in a downtown Manhattan garbage dumpster.A bomb is found in a pressure cooker in New York.A Muslim in Minnesota, a State whose leftist governments welcomed a...
View ArticleHomosexual Priests - get out of the Priesthood!
This is what happens when you admit sodomites, perverts, filthy homosexual men to the priesthood of Jesus Christ. Filthy disgusting men. So-called "men." So-called "Catholics."They should never have...
View ArticleWashing the feet of Soros
We are being played.
View ArticleArchbishop Anthony Apuron of Guam - A pervert in priests' clothing?
What kind of man, what kind of bishop, poses like this? (Good golly, one of Vox's great readers left a comment, it's called the "blue steel" pose!)A bishop who may suffer delusions as at his own self...
View ArticleProtestant "Cardinal" Reinhard Marx praises Martin Luther as "awe-inspiring"
Some days, I wonder what to blog; and then, I wonder no longer. Truly, it has become to easy. The material is just so vast. One need not go looking for it, there is no such thing as a "slow-news day"...
View ArticleA Liber of Accusation
The laity are rising up.The Remnant and Catholic Family News have laid it all out.Pope Francis, you cannot continue down the path you are on nor can you continue to ignore the Catholic faithful!You...
View ArticleSt. Michael's Church in Athy, Ireland - Remember that "Lesbian" Mass in...
Readers may recall the story about a church in Ireland where two so-called "married" women committing the grotesquely affront to Christ the lifestyle and sin of lesbianism, were praised and given an...
View ArticleJames Martin, EssJay - Award winning liar
Ah, our good friend James Martin - a man who never saw a true teaching of Christ that he couldn't twist. Jimmy is getting an award from New Ways Ministry, a group of men and women who undertake...
View ArticleArchbishop Paul-Andre Durocher - You have your reward!
Again, one doesn't need go far these days to figure out what to blog about. There are enough clowns in clerics that it just sort of writes itself.During the Synod on the Family last October, Paul-Andre...
View ArticleRome has fallen - follows the Buenos Aires Bishops' path praised by Bergoglio...
On his Seventh Heaven Blog, Sandro Magister asks if Agostino Vallini, the Cardinal Vicar of Rome will now receive a commendation from Pope Francis. Perhaps we should call it the Bergoglio Award for...
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