Francis and computer keyboards
Nah, it couldn't be.It couldn't be that the Pope read this blog post which was from last Sunday. then went to...
View ArticleMichael Coren stripped of his Papal KeNighthood
BREAKING: EWTN in the U.K, is reporting that my old friend and brother Knight of Columbus, Michael Coren, has been stripped of his papal knighthood. According to Deacon Nick Donnelly, Coren has refused...
View ArticleAre you a faithful, God-loving, God-fearing "Fixated" Catholic? Then...
What does our good Pope Francis mean by this statement?“It is by loving that the God-who-is-Love is proclaimed to the world: not by the power of convincing, never by imposing the truth, no less by...
View ArticlePope Francis' Sustainable Travel Agency - Franchises available now!
What is more ridiculous, the following tweet by Pope Francis from earlier this day, (September 27), or that nearly 9,000 people liked it?It seems that the "god of surprises" has grown stale and...
View ArticleLook at Oscar Eduardo Miñarro - a new Bergoglian Bishop from Buenos Aires
This is the newest Bergoglian Bishop.Clearly, Redemptionis Sacramentum never made it to Argentina."The Holy Father has appointed Fr. Oscar Eduardo Miñarro as auxiliary bishop of Merlo-Moreno (area 301,...
View ArticleOn this Feast of St. Michael, St. Michael's Cathedral in Toronto is rededicated
To write a history of this Cathedral of St. Michael, in Toronto, would take much time; I will be necessarily brief.Early painting of cathedral interiorBishop Michael PowerToronto was a city of Irish...
View ArticleThe Bergoglian Mafiosi is taking vengeance
A few weeks ago, we were told by about the blowback to the 45 theologian and academics who wrote to the Cardinals of the Church seeking intervention on Amoris Laetitia. At that time, I proffered that...
View ArticleForget the Francis Effect, go with Khalilah
As time moves on, more and more Catholics are coming to the realisation of what is happening in the Church. Even the secular media, has begun to notice.The Rosicas of the world can keep perpetuating...
View ArticleRosica Alert: "Pope Francis IS the new evangelisation" - silly Catholic, you...
I've written it before, sometimes this blog just writes itself. No sooner did I write in the post below about "the Rosicas of the world" who perpetuate the narrative myth about the positive outcomes of...
View ArticlePeaceful man whose mother was a Quaker and father was Amish vandalises Rome...
An African immigrant/migrant from Ghana vandalised Churches in Rome, yesterday. More to come to a parish near you soon.
View ArticlePope Francis confuses himself over gender theory and same-sex, so-called...
Even though the human person on the left of the Bishop of Rome is a woman, the Pope calls her a man.Even though, out of one side of his mouth, he condemns gender theory and speaks about the attacks on...
View ArticleBergoglio invents a new sin - the sin against "ecumenism"
Ah, another papal trip, another homily, another aeroplane interview. It's all becoming so boring.It is not necessary to write much about what follows. You know the difference between true and false...
View ArticleCum Ex Apostolic Officio and how it applies today. Just read it.
During the time of the Council of Trent Pope Paul IV issued his Apostolic Constitution Cum Ex Apostolic Officio of February 15, 1559. This 223rd Successor of Peter would die six months later on August...
View ArticleProminent Catholic psychiatrist dissects Bergoglio and his minions hatred of...
Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons, a faithful Catholic and prominent American psychiatrist has written and important editorial in LifeSiteNews. Without mentioning specific names, he lays out his views on what...
View ArticleBergoglio blesses people with the Archlayman of Canterbury
Mr. Justin Welby is no more a priest or bishop than I. Anglican orders are "null and void." This has been the case centuries and declared by Leo XIII. He is a fraud, the Archlayman of Canterbury. He...
View ArticleHeresiarch Bishop Bonny seeks to bless sodomite "unions"
We have reported on this malefactor before. Bishop Johan Bonny of Antwerp. latest leads one to conclude that this, so-called bishop, is...
View ArticleCongratulations to you Pope Francis, you are leading souls to Hell!
Buenos Aires? Done.Alberta and Northwest Territories of Canada? No!Rome? Done.Now, it will be all of Germany.This is what we warned about. The devolution of the Holy Catholic Church. The turning of it...
View ArticlePope expels Cardinal Sarah from school
Perhaps Padre Bergoglio has not heard.#AfricanCardinalsMatter
View ArticleLook what happened in Rome - lighting strikes again!
VATICAN CITY— Rome shook this morning as a massive lightning bolt hit the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica. The strike came on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, a celebration with origins not only in a...
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