Channel: Vox Cantoris
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Bergoglio expects you to accept refugee terror and murder in your neighbourhood and in your house!

A pipe bomb in New Jersey.

A bomb explodes in a downtown Manhattan garbage dumpster.

A bomb is found in a pressure cooker in New York.

Muslim in Minnesota, a State whose leftist governments welcomed a massive number of Somali refugees a generation ago is now being repaid for its generosity and stupidity. 

Stabbing numerous people, nine apparently, in a mall asking them before if they were also Mohammedans and then shouted the famous phrase, "Our god is greatest," the perpetrator is now dead. Their "god" is the devil and this malefactor follower of Mahomet has found that out and that there were no virgins there awaiting him. Mahound's Paradise is reporting that credit for the rampage in Minnesota has been taken by ISIS.

People are maimed. Terrorised. 

Image result for bergoglio refugees

Pope Francis speaks again demanding that Europe and the rest of the world accept tens or hundreds of thousands of migrants, mostly Muslims from Africa and the Middle East. The problem needs to be fixed, in their countries, not imported into ours. Immigration is not the issue. An immigration policy approved by a parliament or legislature that involves a points system is perfectly acceptable. That is not the issue.

Bergoglio expects that you and I should be murdered in our beds, our malls, our street celebrations or wherever as the price for a borderless world. Then, he would condemn us as Catholics if we tried to preach to them that they worship a false god and must come to Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church for salvation. It is as if he is embarassed by Christ and embarassed by our nation states. It's easy when you live in a walled city and have security protection to be so brave as this Bergoglio. Europeans should open their homes and spare beds according to him. Has he not read the news about the numbers of rapes? 

No, not all Muslims are terrorists but nearly all terrorists, are Muslims and as the event in St. Cloud, Minnesota shows, it lasts for generations and they have no gratefulness for the protection offered their parents and no desire to assimilate.

Our culture is at serious risk because we have failed as Catholics and Christians to maintain it. Now, it will be taken away by those who call us "infidels" or by a globalist regime that will stamp down on them and on the rest of us to maintain "order."

The first duty of the father of the house is to protect his family. The first duty of a government is to protect its people from external invasion and internal threats.

The globalists have created this upheaval in order to bring "order out of chaos" and you know well friends, from whence that phrase comes.

At the same time, we have a Pope who aids and abets them. either unwittingly because he is just too good hearted for our own good or intentionally because he is an ideologue.

I will give the Pope credit when he speaks of the international arms trade and the trading of humans as slaves and unethical people transporting people across dangerous waters. All of this is true. The answer is not to bring  them all to our shores. Our response should be to support Lebanon and Jordan, in particular, to manage the refugee problem there.

Immigration is one thing. An invasion is something quite different. My right to a safe and secure home and nation has priority over his ideology. It is not Christian to accept the annihilation of our nations. Our duty is to protect the vulnerable and that means creating safe zones for these migrants in their countries. It is not skin colour. It is culture; and religion and culture are intertwined.

I chose that word "annihilation" intentionally. Our Church leaders failed Our Blessed Mother and they have failed us.

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