On his Seventh Heaven Blog, Sandro Magister asks if Agostino Vallini, the Cardinal Vicar of Rome will now receive a commendation from Pope Francis. Perhaps we should call it the Bergoglio Award for Faith Corruption.
The Vicar, who represents the Pope in the day to day business of the Diocese of Rome, has issued a document on Amoris Laetitia. It occurred on September 19 at the Lateran Basilica to the Pastoral Conference of the Diocese of Rome and is titled, "The Joy of love: the path of the families of Rome."
"Access to the sacraments in a confidential manner." Why? Because they know that it is wrong and they can't bring their error into the light, lest it cause scandal for its very error.
First Buenos Aires where Bergoglio was Bishop, now Rome, where he is Bishop. Is there any more denying what the Pope thinks? How much more until the neo-Caths try to twist this pretzel logic that the Pope doesn't really mean what he means?
The Vicar has chosen to follow the path of the Buenos Aires episcopate to whom Bergoglio wrote, "there is no other interpretation." One now can wonder, what will Bergoglio say or do about Canada's Bishops in Alberta and the Northwest Territories who upheld the teaching of "living as brother and sister?" These bishops quoted directly from Familiaris Consortio, so conveniently abridged by Bergoglio and the putrid writers of Amoris Laetitia.
The Pope has already watered down the annulment process and he has questioned the sacramental validity of most Catholic marriages. Amoris Laetitita goes the rest of the way, to allow that who cannot obtain an legitimate, legal and proper Decree of Nullity to return to the Sacraments after they are "remarried" civilly and living in adultery.
The fundamental question that I have had since the beginning is simple and comes down to one word.
Is it really about money? Are there really that many people in such situation in our parishes demanding to return to the sacraments on threat of withholding their five shekels a week? (Catholics want married priests? They can't afford married priests but that's for the next synod but it makes my point on the money). Germany is only one place, the laws there are not everywhere, which of course explains Bergoglio's desire to decentralise the Church. Yet, there seems to me that there has go to be something more.
They can only hate the faith. They can only hate Our Lord Jesus Christ and His true presence in the Church through the Blessed Sacrament. There can be no other explanation.They no longer believe. If they ever had the faith, they have long since lost it,
Of that, I accuse Bergoglio, a man who still won't genuflect at the altar to the Salvation of the World, but who grovels on the floor to wash the feet of those who have come to destroy Europe. Why does he refuse to genuflect?
It is truly from Satan.
The Vicar, who represents the Pope in the day to day business of the Diocese of Rome, has issued a document on Amoris Laetitia. It occurred on September 19 at the Lateran Basilica to the Pastoral Conference of the Diocese of Rome and is titled, "The Joy of love: the path of the families of Rome."
"It is important to establish with all these people and couples a 'good pastoral relationship'. That is, we must welcome them with warmth, invite them to open themselves to participate in some way in the Church's life, to groups of families, to perform some service, eg. charitable or liturgical (choir prayer of the faithful, offertory procession). to develop these processes is extremely valuable active presence of pairs of pastoral workers and also the profit you a lot of the community climate. these people - the Pope says - "should not feel excommunicated, but they can live and grow as living members of the Church "(AL, 299).
"It's not necessarily get to the sacraments, but to direct them to live forms of integration in ecclesial life. But when the concrete circumstances of a couple make it feasible, ie when their faith journey has been long, sincere and progressive , proposes to live in continence, then if this choice is difficult to practice for the stability of the couple, 'Amoris laetitia' does not exclude the possibility of access to penance and the Eucharist. this means some opening, as in the case in which there is a moral certainty that the first marriage was null and void but no evidence to prove it in court; but rather when, for example, was paraded their condition as if it were part of the Christian ideal, and so on.
"How are we to understand this opening? Certainly not in the sense of non-discriminatory access to the sacraments, as occasionally happens, but of a discernment that distinguishes appropriately case by case. Who can decide? The wording of the text and the 'mens' of its Author not I think there is no other solution than that of. in fact, the internal forum internal forum is the way conducive to open our hearts to the most intimate confidences, and if it has been established over time a relationship of trust with a confessor or a spiritual guide, you can start and develop with him a long journey of conversion, patient, made of small steps and progressive inspections.
"So, it cannot be other that the confessor, at some point, in his conscience, after much reflection and prayer, are to shoulder the responsibility before God and the penitent and to request that access to the sacraments takes place in a confidential manner. in these cases do not end the process of discernment (AL, 303: 'dynamic discernment') in order to achieve further steps towards the full Christian ideal. "
First Buenos Aires where Bergoglio was Bishop, now Rome, where he is Bishop. Is there any more denying what the Pope thinks? How much more until the neo-Caths try to twist this pretzel logic that the Pope doesn't really mean what he means?
The Pope has already watered down the annulment process and he has questioned the sacramental validity of most Catholic marriages. Amoris Laetitita goes the rest of the way, to allow that who cannot obtain an legitimate, legal and proper Decree of Nullity to return to the Sacraments after they are "remarried" civilly and living in adultery.
The fundamental question that I have had since the beginning is simple and comes down to one word.
Is it really about money? Are there really that many people in such situation in our parishes demanding to return to the sacraments on threat of withholding their five shekels a week? (Catholics want married priests? They can't afford married priests but that's for the next synod but it makes my point on the money). Germany is only one place, the laws there are not everywhere, which of course explains Bergoglio's desire to decentralise the Church. Yet, there seems to me that there has go to be something more.
They can only hate the faith. They can only hate Our Lord Jesus Christ and His true presence in the Church through the Blessed Sacrament. There can be no other explanation.They no longer believe. If they ever had the faith, they have long since lost it,
Of that, I accuse Bergoglio, a man who still won't genuflect at the altar to the Salvation of the World, but who grovels on the floor to wash the feet of those who have come to destroy Europe. Why does he refuse to genuflect?
It is truly from Satan.