"Oh no, what is he going to say this time?" |
"The use of nuclear weapons is immoral; this must go in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. And not only the use, but also the possession because if there is an accident or a crazed government -- one's madness can destroy humanity."
Okay... so what about China or Russia with these weapons pointed at North America. Are we allowed to have any as a deterrent or to hit back if they hit us first?
What an idiot.
Well, at least, when asked about the Bolivian Butcher he responded that he could not comment because he was "incompetent."
![Pope Francis in Bolivia reacting to Jesus Crucified on a ...](http://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fi.dailymail.co.uk%2Fi%2Fpix%2F2015%2F07%2F09%2F18%2F2A5D1AD900000578-0-image-a-1_1436463703868.jpg&f=1&nofb=1)