In a stunning statement, Jorge Bergoglio has labelled faithful Catholics who speak out against sodomitical behaviour and the political agenda of homosexualism as "NAZIS"“It is no coincidence that in...
View ArticleBishop Athanasius Schneider: Pachamama was worshiped at Vatican and it wasn’t...
Bishop Athanasius Schneider has written an article for and has authorised an approved English translation at LifeSiteNews. His Excellency lays out the idolatry and blasphemy committed by...
View ArticleViganò, Pope is subjecting Church to ‘powerful forces’ that want world...
Archbishop Carlo Viganò calls out Bergoglio as the Globalist dupe that he is. A monster. A man who hates Christ, faithful Catholics and the...
View Article"Sometimes the combox is better than the blogger."
In my morning perusal of my favourite blogs (all are on the left column), I read this on Non Veni Pacem. It struck me because the of what my fellow blogger, Mark, wrote:"Sometimes the combox is better...
View ArticleBergoglio has his own hand in the Vatican's financial corruption
View ArticleFifty years of Novus Ordo garbage
Two week ago, I attended my first Novus Ordo Mass in over two years. A friend was being ordained to the transitional diaconate. I could have done without the serviettes in the sanctuary and the...
View ArticleBergoglio says that he is "incompetent" and goes right ahead and proves it!
"Oh no, what is he going to say this time?""The use of nuclear weapons is immoral; this must go in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. And not only the use, but also the possession because if there...
View ArticleBergoglio favours financial investment - turns out he's a capitalist!
Pope Francis Money QuoteThe web page for "Peter's Pence has this statement:"The concrete participation, including economic, in the needs of the universal ecclesial community has taken different forms...
View ArticleBishop Rick Stika does it again!
Bishop Rick Stika of Knoxville has done it again. He has again proved that he is unfit for the Office of Bishop and was probably never fit for the priesthood in the first place. The man has a serious...
View ArticleWhen those who should know better spread the lie of genderism, this is what...
Those in leadership in all walks of life in government, academia, business and even the Church tell you that gender is fluid and that a boy born a boy can really be a girl or whatever, this is what...
View ArticleNo Blessing For You!
Gosh, just when I thought I could just post some nice Advent music, Bergoglio goes and does it again!The first time was the day after his election when he refused to bless the assembled media Now, it...
ROME: V.C. News - The Pope said "the changes of seasons and climates warn us" and that "before long we may look" for other signs in the "sun and moon and stars."In his First Homily on the Gospels as...
View ArticleThe Devil & the Diabolic - Venerable Fulton J Sheen
Well, this is a good topic from him given the situation!
View ArticleDecember 6 - Fasting in reparation
Regarding the request by four exorcists for a day of fast and reparation tomorrow, Friday December 6: I read some commentary that this would ruin the fun of St. Nicholas Day. Let me say this, if St....
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