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Stop it. Stop it now. Stop sending any money to Peter's Pence or any Bishops' Collections! Look at what they are doing with it! Every dollar in your collection plate has a diocesan tax called a...
View ArticleBergoglio declares Amoris Latetita heresy on divorce and remarried "Magisterial"
More heresy.And bishops and cardinals sit by and do nothing.Filthy hirelings.
View ArticleTota pulchra es (Maurice Durufle)
You are all beautiful, Mary,and the original stain [spot] (of sin) is not in you.You are the glory of Jerusalem,you are the joy of Israel,you give honour to our people.You are an advocate of sinners.O...
View ArticleAve Maria (Angelus Domini) Franz Biebl
What an honour it was for my to sing for three seasons with this wonderful men's choir under the direction of "Doc." We sang this many times.
View ArticleAntipope Bergoglio calls on UN to celebrate an annual day of "human fraternity"
How far are you prepared to follow Jorge Mario Bergoglio? When will the you "red-pill?" When will the light go on that this man is a devil? Since the first time he emerged in the loggia we have seen on...
View ArticleOctave of the Immaculate Conception continues
In the liturgical cycle of the Roman liturgy before the destruction which began in 1955, this time now after December 8 was known as the Octave of the Immaculate Conception. You can follow this link,...
View ArticleBergoglian corruption evdience mounts
The corruption of the Bergoglian regime continues. Edward Pentin, without a doubt the top Catholic journalist today, reports on a tangled web which diverted 50 million Euros from the Jesu Bambino...
View ArticleSt. Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople. "On the Presentation of the...
From today's Matins from the Fifth Day within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.V. Grant, Lord, a blessing.Benediction. May the Gospel's holy lection be our safety...
View Article"Jealousy is the tribute which mediocrity pays to genius."
The quote of the day from Venerable Fulton Sheen who probably had the sodomite Spellman in mind.It applies to many.And they know who they are.
View ArticleThis is the Record of John
This is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? And he confessed and denied not, and said plainly, 'I am not the Christ.' And they asked him,...
View ArticleCardinal Pell ‘is an innocent man’: Bolt
Andrea Gagliarducci has a report on the imprisonment of Cardinal George Pell, convicted of sexual assault in Australia. Admittedly, I am torn on this. I've seen physical abuse and criminal assault...
View ArticleEuropa and the Beast
I post here a most interesting perspective on the Book of Revelation, Europa and the E.U. It's not a new theory but mostly has been put forward by certain protestant sects. One can recall Herbert W....
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