Oh, Family Most Holy; Jesus, Mary and Joseph, who fled to this ancient land where you were provided safety and refuge and from where God would call out His Son,
intercede for this ancient people that they may find peace and security within their land;
grant mercy and eternal rest we beseech you O Lord, to those Christian martyrs and bring your justice to those who would commit such acts; we ask this in the name of the same Jesus. Amen.
+ + +
The picture is extremely disturbing, it must be shown, the world must awake to this evil. May God grant our Christian brother, Magdy Lamaey, eternal rest; may his martyrdom be the seed of conversion of those who would commit such evil.
كل يوم شهيد، كل يوم قديس
لاجل اسم الله المتأنس، يسوع المسيحEvery day a martyr, a Saint for each day the name of God almetans, Jesus Christ
(Translated by Bing)
القتل ذبح
صورة شهيد المسيح : مجدى لمعى
السن ٥٩
المكان الشيخ زويد شمال سيناء / مصر
قتله الجهاديون من اتباع المخلوع محمد مرسي بعد ان قيدوه بالسلاسل وقطعوا رقبته عن جسمه بالسكين
ربنا موجود والرب ينيح نفس عم مجدى فى فردوس النعيم ويكلله بالمجد على قدر تعبه وآلمه
ان كنا نتألم معه لكى نتمجد ايضا معه ( رسالة رومية ٨: ١٧ )
martyr of the Christ: Magdy Lamaey Age 59
Location Sheikh Zowayed North Sinai / Egypt
Jihadists followers of ousted Mohamed Morsi killed him after they tied him up with chains and cut his neck from his body with a knife