To my international readers, your indulgence please for this local matter and unusual political endorsement.
I will be voting for Patrick Brown who is also recommended by Campaign Life Coalition. I urge you to do the same should you be in Ontario and registered to vote.
Tomorrow, voting begins for member of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party leadership. The Party is in disarray from an abominable election campaign under Tim Hudak and previously by John Tory and previous to him by Ernie Eves. The leadership and organisational disaster of this Party which borders on incompetent has given us a corrupt Liberal Party under lesbian Premier Kathleen Wynne now trying to force upon our children a sex education curriculum that includes masturbation as "pleasurable" and other sexual acts not suitable for discussion here and that one is born a boy or girl but gender evolves.
Last evening there was debate between the two last candidates, Christine Elliot and Patrick Brown. The moderator questioned Brown on the sexed-up curriculum but not Elliot. Elliot mocked Brown and those who support him as for being opposed to it. She clearly supports it. It is no longer a secret. She is Wynne Lite.
I left a Facebook message on her page about this and asked her if she supported the teaching of "masturbation, oral copulation and sodomy" to Ontario school children.
First, I was barred from commentary. Leaving a message on my own FB about this but linked to her "name" in the column to alert them to the fact that I was on to them, I have now also been barred. I am now told that two other friends that questioned Elliot were also barred for asking why I was.
Christine Elliot does not deserve your vote.
Her behaviour is fascist.
Her behaviour is fascist.
This is exactly why she does not deserve the vote and displays what has gone wrong with this once great political party.
I will be voting for Patrick Brown who is also recommended by Campaign Life Coalition. I urge you to do the same should you be in Ontario and registered to vote.