LifeSiteNews report: Pope Francis "autocratic" --- Robert Spaemann
Famed German Catholic philosopher makes waves for criticizing Pope Francis’ ‘autocratic’ style Catholic , Pope Francis , Robert Spaemann , Synod On The FamilyApril 27, 2015 ( -- In a...
View ArticleRolheiser and Coren - It is time for Toronto's Catholic Register to prove...
How joyful we should be that we have such a fine Catholic media in Toronto lead by the Catholic Register.Ron Rolheiser is a Catholic priest from Saskatchewan of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Ron...
View ArticleA "dialogue" with the Vatican's English news bureau - "we are all saved already"
The other day, English left a post on its Facebook page following the Pope's meeting with the Bishops of Benin on the on the matter of "interreligious dialogue." THe Pope urged the Bishops of...
View ArticlePope condemns the climate change prophets of doom
No, not Francis, it was another.Yesterday, a conference was held at the Vatican with UN officials including the pro-abortion, population-control advocate Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon. The Pope is...
View ArticleKneel before a man or you defy the god of surprises!
In the interests of "dialogue, dialogue, dialogue," and the new commandment revealed on the Mount of Casa St. Marta that "Thou shalt dialogue" lest one disobey God, I wish to ask Jorge Bergoglio,...
View ArticleFather Nicholas Gruner, Requiescat in pace
When the curtain is raised upon the darkness of this age and the light sines forth it will be because of the faithfulness and labouring in the vineyard of priests such as this man.O LORD, have mercy on...
View ArticleMichael Coren is something else
Michael Coren has given an interview with the National Post. I am posting it because of certain points he has made, otherwise I would just leave him to himself.Before I highlight the points let us be...
View ArticleChristine Elliott, MPP. Ontario Tory Fascist
To my international readers, your indulgence please for this local matter and unusual political endorsement.Tomorrow, voting begins for member of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party leadership....
View ArticlePope meets with leader of schismatic and heretical ecclesial community from...
Dear Pope Francis,We understand the Lord Jesus met with sinners - tax collectors, prostitutes, pagans of all kinds. He called them to repentance and unity with Him. This is true mercy.This woman in a...
View ArticleOur Catholic hearts are in turmoil
How hard it is for any of us as Catholics to criticise the Pope. I know that when I do my Catholic heart bothers me. I have been disturbed by Pope Jorge Bergoglio from that evening he came out on the...
View ArticleThe Vortex: Michael Coren
Today's, The Vortex: Michael Coren, is a hard-hitting call to my former friend. I will say nothing else about him. Voris does it well enough.
View ArticleIf this were only a comedy routine, I would laugh, alas; it is not!
Never before have Popes given "daily homilies." This practice by the current occupant of the Chair of Peter belittles his teaching role. He has reduced the universal papacy to the mutterings of an...
View ArticleNo Toronto Catholic Register. No L'Osservatore Romano, IT IS NOT BLASPHEMY to...
Toronto's Catholic Register is parrotting this story from RNS referring to a front-page article at L'Osservatore Romano calling the cartoons of Mohomet "blasphemous."This is quite incredible really.One...
View ArticleFinn and Danneels - Why the contradiction?
Hilary White of LifeSiteNews gives a brilliant assessment of the situation showing the juxtaposition of justice, or lack thereof in the Church under Francis.It is important reading. Hilary provides the...
View ArticleToronto's Catholic Register - Slam down to Michael Coren
Let us give credit where credit is due. Toronto's Catholic Register has published a column by Dorothy Cummings McLean on the Michael Coren saga. She sums up well the problem of living a double-life by...
View ArticleKneel before man? Not according to St. Peter, the Apostle and first Pope!
The First Reading for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, this Sunday, in the Ordinary Form of the Mass begins with this from the Acts of the Apostles:"When Peter entered, Cornelius met him and, falling at his...
View ArticleWhere is your outrage? When will Moslems stand up and rid this from within?
Was this poor Yazidi child murdered. We do not know, the image was found on the phone of a dead Islamist monster.If she was not murdered, anyone who would pose a child in this way is an evil monster...
View ArticleArchbishop Daniel Bohan - what are you thinking?
Bishop Bohan signing a "covenant" with Anglican laypeopleThere are times that it is nearly impossible to believe the absolute evil and distortion of the Truth promulgated by some Shepherds. Now, it is...
View ArticleMsgr. Vincent Foy - Champion for Life
It is hard to believe that it is almost a year. June 7 of 2014 was the Vigil of Pentecost and a glorious Mass was held in Toronto with yours truly having the honour to organise and direct the Schola...
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